Mass Effect 2 NON Spoiler thread

I’ve already bought the game, but that ruined it for me. I’m gonna uninstall it and burn the discs.

The dialogue system in ME2 is great, but I’m afraid Dragonage spoiled me a bit. Before that, I was entirely resigned to the modern voice-acted standard of people responding exactly the same no matter what you say, and the only difference being whether you get a +Renegade for choosing “Tell me what happened, asshole!” or +Paragon for choosing “Can you please tell me what happened?”

But Dragonage, even though it was modern and voice-acted, had actual dialogue choices with actual different reactions and choices that foreclose other choices instead of just being a straight tree traversal. So now I know it’s possible, and the “push A to hear next line” conversations of Mass Effect are less satisfying.

DA had several instances of “push A to hear the next line” as well. And I’ll take Jennifer Hale over my mute Grey Warden with the slightly blank stare any day of the week!

I still prefer ME2 (and ME1) if for no other reason than that I like my main character having a voice.

God yes. Shepard is animated. He moves around, his face reflects his feelings on the subject. On the other hand my Grey Warden looked like a goddam zombie.

That’s an odd complaint. I know this sounds nuts, but maybe BioWare didn’t want a bunch of humor in their epic space opera shooter game.

(It’s also completely wrong, BTW. There’s plenty of humor if you listen for it.)

Twice now, when scanning, the game has decided to say “FUCK YOU KEEP SCANNING” and refuse to let me escape out of scanning. Of all the parts of the game to get stuck in, it just HAD to be that one. Luckily it autosaves every time you enter a system, so I haven’t lost much progress to that bug.

I guess I mean that they don’t realize that major elements of their story are embarrassingly campy and a little self-aware humor might have been the only way to save them? I realize I’m probably in the minority with this opinion, just saying how it’s hitting me.

I do agree there is plenty of humor, but like said, it’s in the side dialog, not the main story.

We must have played different copies of Dragon Age, because my experience was that conversation was deceptively linear, and a lot of times two completely different dialogue options would yield identical results.

As far as story goes, neither Dragon Age nor Mass Effect 2 are gonna win any awards for originality, but the former was markedly worse than the latter. DA basically took all of Tolkien and Martin’s novels, threw them into a blender, and strung the confetti together into a story. It wasn’t bad per se, but neither was it something I hadn’t read a dozen times before.

Miranda’s face looks very familiar, is she modeled after some actress or something?

Also, I’m sick of Shepard’s glow in the dark scars now.

They even got her buck teeth in there.

You can get rid of 'em. Stick with it.

Ugh that’s a huge pet peeve of mine.

Now you can’t unsee it.

They fade as you work your Paragon. If you don’t feel like waiting or wanna go Renegade, you can buy a ship upgrade (something for the medical bay) that’ll immediately remove all your scars regardless of Paragon/Renegade level. It costs 50k Platinum.

So I was playing last night at around 2 am and I don’t know if I dreamed this or not. I hope I didn’t because it’s awesome.

I was scanning a planet and it told me something about a colony detected or some shit, and I either launched a probe or hit the renegade button. I did that, and the colony got wiped out and I gained +5 renegade as well as a huge cache of Element Zero.

I’m beginning to think I imagined it, because it’s very vivid in my memory like a dream would be. I was seriously up playing way past my bedtime, what I did is rather foggy.

Must have been a dream. When you detect an anomaly, launching a probe to the proper area simply allows you to land there. As far as I know, there’s no way to nuke it from orbit.

Man, there’s a lot I’d give up for an Orbital Bombardment button.

Jesus what a weird dream.

Ah, so one never actually gets to interrupt in conversations (like they promised for both ME1 and now 2), you just occasionally get a QTE where you can alter the result of a cutscene. That’s disappointing.