Mass Effect Andromeda - I'm not Commander Shepard and this is my favorite sequel

Thanks for sharing that. That was a very interesting read. That’s the kind of article that used to be regularly written about 10 years ago on various blogs, like the Brainy Gamer, and others. It’s a shame that kind of video game criticism that looks at the form of video game criticism in general seems to have all but disappeared these days.

I think the observation that ME:A sort of feels like a TV-series spin-off from a movie franchise was an interesting way to frame it. Not a perfect comparison, but I agree with it for the most part. NOW GIVE ME SEASON 2!

Messy seems as good as any a word to describe what happens with Andromeda. If we accept as a starting point that the game is flawed, where do we go from there? I do think it’s a problem that lots of reviews, both from pros and folks who just played it, damned the game for the fact that it was flawed. And that’s fine as a position but you’re definitely going to cut out some charming, if idiosyncratic, games with that criteria. Flawed as it is, I’d absolutely recommend Andromeda to anyone looking for a grand spacefaring rpg adventure.

And I also checked out the links @Telefrog posted above, that’s pretty funny stuff. The things I miss out on by not having a social media presence.

I hope they stick with the current idea Andromeda was based on if a future game gets made. It was a good way to completely divorce themselves from having to deal with the convoluted mess of the story the trilogy ended on and start anew.

I don’t know what but something strange was going on with Andromeda. Can anyone think of another AAA game released recently that was released without a season pass or announced DLC? They almost all have them, yet with Andromeda, it was always wait and see, “we’ll have an announcement in the future”. And then, of course, we end up with nothing. Something just really strange there going on behind the scenes. It’s almost as if EA/Bioware expected or had a sense that the game might not do well.

That would be my preference too, if/when Bioware finds their way back to the IP. I’m not necessarily opposed to returning to the Milky Way but if they do, I’d like it to be after a sufficient passing of time, with the rebuilding of civilization after the reaper attacks during ME3. But I hope they expand on Andromeda, though I suspect they won’t.

Of course, if EA hadn’t allowed Casey Hudson to crash Bioware’s beloved franchise into a tree because STORYTELLING!, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Yeah, I’m still pissed.

SO I’m currently halfway into ME3 and all I’m thinking now is… Bioware must NEVER stop making them . Why - WHY - did they shut down Andromeda? Was it REALLY that badly recieved?

I’ve been playing this kind of backwards, I started with Andromeda and really liked it, so I got to borrow an Xbox 360 and all the first three games.
Now I’m (maybe a bit too) emotionally attached to my Shepard and all my companions (except Ashley, killed that bitch on Virmire) and get teary eyed on a lot of the TOO emotional stuff going on in ME3. Plus will need to play Andromeda again after this .

These games go straight to my top list. They NEED to keep doing these games. NEED NEED.

Sorry, outburst. I just can’t for the life of my imagine them closing down this franchise.

It was really that badly received. The game that people received that badly did not seem to bear much resemblance to the one I actually played. I dunno what to tell you.

Yeah, I really liked Andromeda.

Releasing with bad animations and dead eyes seems to be suicide these days. The same thing happened to Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. The only buzz before release was how awful everything looked. With .gifs and videos so common these days, plus a YouTube crowd that is happy to dogpile, you’re doomed if you don’t look tolerable from the very beginning.

A lot of people didn’t like it. Some did.That happens with anything.

There were embarrassing release problems but even after they were worked on, the game still had problems.

I don’t recommend playing the original games in reverse order. You will have no attachment to the story or characters and unlike andromeda, the original series focuses a lot on this.

She mentioned Virmire, so I’m thinking the trilogy got played in order.

@kristina has been keeping us abreast of her journey through Mass Effect 1 and 2 and now 3 in the What will you play this weekend thread. So yes, she’s playing in the correct order.

So, you haven’t finished it?

When I finished ME3 is when I decided I would never play another Mass Effect or any of the DLC.

I played Andromeda first, and then 1, 2 and now 3. And yes, I remember being very annoyed at times at bugs and a few glitches and question marks, but I still loved it - all in all.

I just agree with a lot of people that we are a bit spoiled by games, and expect them to be frickin PERFECT for them not to be slammed down.

I just… well I love these kinds of games. Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Witcher…, there aren’t many enough of them around for me to be able to throw the ME-series in a garbage can and get on with it.

I’ve read the ending. I’m a spoiler junkie.

Good, that should lessen the blow. Plus they improved it a lot since launch by getting rid of the most glaring continuity errors in the ending.

Plus, the ending shouldn’t lessen the greatness of the middle of the game which you’re playing through now. It’s freakin’ amazingly well written and executed. And all your choices from the first three games come to fruition throughout most of Mass Effect 3. It’s so good.

(Ahem), might I point out that we have a perfectly serviceable Mass Effect 3 thread? kthxbye