Mass Effect Andromeda - I'm not Commander Shepard and this is my favorite sequel

It’s got spaceships, aliens and what looks like a jet pack. I’m in day one, but I’m still not sold on EA Access just yet. Maybe when they put Titanfall 2 on it.

Titanfall 2 is not coming to EA Access, sadly. Something to do with parity on PS4, and since there’s no EA Access on PS4, no Titanfall 2 on EA Access.

Isn’t ME:A on PS4?

I think it’s some deal they made with Respawn Entertainment specifically after they were so pissed that EA made the original Titanfall PC/X1 exclusive.

LOL. So EA screwed them with a terrible release date instead.

Anyway, what you’re saying sounds right. I remember people asking why Titanfall 2 didn’t have the early access before it launched and the EA story was that they sort of had it anyway with the MP beta.

Maybe I’m wrong. They did mention around launch that just because Titanfall 2 is not part of EA/Origin Access at launch doesn’t mean it can’t become part of EA Access later. So they didn’t flat out deny the possibility, they left it open.

Oh well, I keep looking for a reason to jump in on EA Access and not finding any. Anyway, how about that Andromeda, huh?

I wish a game like Andromeda could use algorithms like in No Man’s Sky and Astroneer to fill in lots of worlds for you to land on in addition to the work they do for the hand-crafted planets with stories and sidequests.

Not totally sure I follow you, not having played No Man’s Sky or Astroneer, but what I’m reading seems to indicate a kind of return to form of the first Mass Effect with lots of exploration. If you’re hoping the non-story planets are more interesting than in that game, well sure. But just having room to play a little bit more your way is a plus, I would say.

Oh man now I’m having second thoughts - it’s going to eat at me, all those folks playing ME a week before me. I’m going to crack, I just know it!

You’ll need to go completely dark if you want to avoid any spoilers for the crafting recipes.

Stop it! Now you’re making me want to sign up too.

I have to say, you must be the only person to ever look at Mass Effect and say “This needs more generic planets!”

The planets I’ve seen in No Man’s Sky have geography and Fauna and Flora a LOT more interesting than Mass Effect. I’m not sure how you can imply that’s more generic.

Why did that stop at only 2 seasons?

They’re surely more generic than hand-crafted ones with stories and sidequests. By definition. The problem with the “cookie cutter” worlds in ME1 wasn’t that they didn’t have NMS style landscapes. It was that you did the same boring thing on each one (which is a common criticism of NMS too, but I haven’t played it so I’m not taking a stance on that).

Because network TV comedy audiences are philistines.

So you’re telling me there’s bathtub gin. Man this game has everything!

Yup, the only difference is that in ME1 those planets were effectively grey marbles.

Most of them were, but some had little hidden side quests, like you could find an outpost about to be overrun by rachni or something. You wouldn’t know until you landed to check it out.