Mass Effect Andromeda - I'm not Commander Shepard and this is my favorite sequel

Chris Shlerf, the lead writer on Andromeda, has left BioWare. He’s taken a position at Bungie.

Is there any indication of where the story of Andromeda stood before his departure? I wonder if the story was considered done or close to done before he left, because it would seem to be bad form to jump off a project mid-stream.

Unless the game development was falling apart. Like Destiny’s was/did/maybe still is. I suppose Bungie needs serious writing help right now, and might have been willing to pony up for it.

It was an amicable parting, so I assume his part in the process was basically done and he wasn’t leaving them hanging.

Mass Effect Andromeda delayed to EA’s fiscal fourth quarter, which probably means Q1 2017.

I very nearly posted that info but figured someone must have beaten me to it in some thread I never really read. Pacific NW passive/aggression, you win again!

Cameron Harris, senior editor on Mass Effect: Andromeda, has left the company.^tfw

She previously worked on Dragon Age: Inquisition and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Delayed until early 2017. sigh

Considering ME3 was 2012, this seems like an excruciatingly long gap.

Like waiting for the next book in the Song of Fire and Ice series.

Taking bets for Q4 2017 or even Q1 2018. I swear all release dates are bullshit. Every major release gets delayed (multiple times in some instances). And it’s like every developer or publisher just uses the same press release template to explain away the delays. I’d feel better if they just accounted for the time it would really take and be honest. If that means adding on an extra year, so be it.

They’re trying to account for the time it will really take. It’s basically impossible to estimate the amount of work it takes to finish large projects. It’s also not possible to properly chunk up a large product, add the more accurate (but note the relative) smaller estimations, and then get the “correct” estimate. Because it just doesn’t work like that.

Now, if it was me I wouldn’t go putting out press about my game until I was within a year of release. There’s something to be said for e.g. Bethesda waiting to announce Fallout 4.

Or Skyrim

Or Civ 6/Firaxis, which was apparently just announced and is coming out in October.

Bioware are ordinarily the type of company you’d associate with “has it all together” (although they tend to be the type to announce games a ways out, though well into development). No question it feels a little different where ME 4 is concerned.

EA showing Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay right now in the PlayStation Meeting.

Cue yackety-sax

Here’s the footage from the PlayStation Meeting:

Nice. I like the addition of the jetpack.

Very nice. In fact, I wasn’t even listening to the voiceover at first…

I instantly disliked the Asari girl at the end though. She felt too young, too… I don’t know, ‘gangsta rap’…? No, that’s not it, too jittery maybe. Oh well, it’s pre-alpha, who knows what will get changed…

Same here, but I’ll give Bioware the benefit of the doubt. I had the same impression about Mass Effect 2’s Jack, and she turned out to be one of my favorite characters in the series.

For the record, my favorite character in the Mass Effect series is a “young” Asari girl. ;)

If the game is good and I’m sufficiently bored I’ll pick this up, but I have zero excitement for it. The ME3 ending can never be forgiven, and DA3 was completely forgettable.

That’s all right dude, I’ve got enough excitement for both of us.