Mass shooting at Jacksonville Landing (FL)...

EA doing something good.

“Well that’s a correlation, not necessarily a cause. Most insurance and employers have a lot of programs to quit. It’s also illegal to smoke in a lot of public places. I don’t see how they can saying taxing and only taxing caused declines in adults.”

The data is pretty clear on this. The higher percentage of your income you pay in tobacco taxes, the more likely you are to smoke. I guess you can argue that tobacco is a Giffin good for a certain segment of the population.

I had to google that! For anyone else who doesn’t know what that is:

In economics and consumer theory, a Giffen good is a product that people consume more of as the price rises and vice versa—violating the basic law of demand in microeconomics

The term “Giffen good” gave me college flashbacks. And not the fun ones.

I took micro but I do not remember that at all.
I’m getting old.
Womp womp. :/

Oh yes, the Cup of Noodles goods.