Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus

The answer is: nobody knows. Because when Mega Shark fights Giant Octopus, we all lose.

I can understand people mangling Churchill, Shakespeare, or the Bible. But the AvP tagline? “Whoever wins, we lose” is indeed the correct answer, Ben, but I don’t think you could have possibly fumbled it any worse.


I didn’t realize that was the AvP tagline. But even if it is, I’d argue that AvP totally ripped it off from Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus, and they should feel embarrassed about mangling it so badly.

What if it were Mega Octopus versus Giant Shark?

That makes no sense.


I have come here to chew battleships and kick ass…

Oh! Oh! I know this one! “And there are not any more battleships.”

And please refrain from entering the Woolworth’s in the future!

That’s the kind of cheap knockoff direct-to-video cash-in that’d show up in The Terminators thread.

What if the shark had muthafuckin’ LEGS?


This got a mention in an email on the Kermode/Mayo podcast last week - wasn’t one of you lot by any chance, was it?

This is probably the best thing Lorenzo Lamas has ever done.

By virtue of its title and awesome trailer, this is getting lots of attention everywhere. It’s not just us. Everyone loves Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, at least in terms of the concept.

However, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to actually see it. I’m happy just knowing the title and seeing the trailer.


I’m planning to watch this next weekend with a buddy. Much beer will be involved.

Please liveblog to QT3 as you drink beer and watch the movie.

Haha, can do.

Any suggestions for what would be an appropriate brew?

The shark jumps up into the air and chomps a 747 in flight. My, that’s an agile fish!

What would be totally awesome is if some writer was home at night after the kids went to bed, in his special “study” that his wife tells all her friends about, tittering in her “I’m so proud of him” voice, and came up with a justification as to why a shark could jump up and eat a 747.

I want to drink champagne at a party with that man, just to admire his self respect.

Gotta be The Beast. Nickname tie-in, plus a cheap and horrible beer for a cheap and horrible movie. What could go wrong?

I just saw that. Not only are those land sharks, but apparently they have masterd interstellar travel! dun, dun, DUN!!!

Whoever wins, we lo- No, hold on, wait! We win! We win loads!