Merry Christmas 2021

Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas everyone!
drove 11 hours yesterday to celebrate with my aunt and uncle. Had a nice evening in front of the fireplace.

Beautiful home.

Nothin’ says Christmas like a big ol’ tree and a fireplace from the set of Johnny Mnemonic!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!

Merry Christmas and good tidings to all!

Hope everybody has a great Christmas or Hanukkah or what have you!

Just finished the annual Nightmare Before Christmas viewing so it’s good and proper Xmas time at last!

Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him in a box…

Happy Holidays, all, and stay safe!

Oh, and I just saw Die Hard for the first time! I hear it’s a Christmas movie!

Merry Christmas. Spent the last hour or so negotiating with small terrorist about what time we need to get up and open present.

This time the parents got about 30 minutes of extra fitful sleep.

A Merry White Christmas from Maine.

Merry Christmas, folks!!! From me and my family here in North Carolina, seasons greetings and may you enjoy too much food and probably too much gaming as well today.

Merry Christmas QT3! It’s downpouring here in NorCal and I’m awake before the kid… I’m gonna regret it later.

Bala, I appreciate your advice and comments in the Pathfinder thread. I’ll be firing that up later today!

Did anywhere in California get that white Christmas they were talking about? I’m assuming Tahoe, but anywhere else?

Merry Christmas all.

Our white Christmas was earlier this week (Michigan). We lost all our snow to 40F+ temps yesterday.

Merry Christmas QT3! Left snowy Michigan last week to visit family in Florida, and I am perfectly content with our perfectly clear mid 70s Christmas weather. All 8 family members who gathered had no COVID, too, which may have been the best gift of all. Best wishes to all of you and yours, particularly those like @Tin_Wisdom who have some sickness to deal with…may it be mild and pass quickly!

Oh, and I can’t resist sharing the most original gift I received this year…my teenage niece painted this Great A’Tuin on a paperweight. Giving her those Discworld novels for birthdays pays off!

Merry Christmas, everyone!! 🎄🎅🎁

Hugs and love to everyone!

I wish everyone a very merry Christmas!