Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

Did you buy the London scenery pack that time? How is it? I see it’s on sale.

I did a bit of flying out of London City a couple of weeks ago but it was a bit depressing as my two years working there years ago were pretty poverty-stricken and the memories were coming back.

I did. At this point it’s probably worth seeing how the UK World Update shakes out, but I’m glad I bought it. It really makes a world of difference to the immersion (especially around London City, though I didn’t buy the airport pack). I was particularly pleased to see they actually modelled my block of flats.

Good point about the UK update! Cheers

Somebody on Reddit found Four Seasons Total Landscaping. :P

Garage door is open in pic though.

Is this from FS Economy?

Is it possible to talk to other people in the Sim? Or an ATC kinda thing if you have headphones/mic? Speaking of which, does the game have an option for voice recognition for ATC?

This sim looks so good, I just can’t get over it!

The Xbox app has chat doesn’t it? If not, Discord, or Steam, or whatever other chat client you want to use.

No, but I think you can use the external add-on Pilot2ATC with it:

Oh schurem. Playing a civvie flight sim. You dirty little who-oar.

Did anyone mention yet that the VR release date was announced? ‘VR’ is too short a search term…

It’s coming for all headsets as a part of Sim Update 2, due 22 December. They’re showing more info on the VR mode on the 17th. All the front end and menus can thankfully be operated in VR without removing the headset.

For everybody and not just beta testers? If so, yippee! Hope I have mine by then.

Yeah this is the public release, earlier that expected. And not G2 exclusive either!

Come. Come to the dark side. Search with your feelings, you know it to be true. It’s gorgeous.

One step closer to VR here, I got notified the NZXT BLD system I ordered is shipping already. That’s like 2 weeks early. They must have gotten new NVIDIA cards there. I was thinking I’d miss the late December patch timeframe.

I am not only on the dark side, I’ve been a card carrying member since “A Century of Flight”.

I’m looking forward to Dec. 22nd, although I think my mid-range rig is going to be battered into senselessness when I fire up VR.

I tired firing up on my gaming laptop only to realize none of the ports are directly connected to the GPU. Bad call on my part, but I’d been planning on an updated gaming desktop anyway. Flight simming is never cheap.

Msfs is so good, im almost afraid to go back to dcs. Im afraid i won’t be able to stomach their maps and clouds anymore. For now I made a proper game out of msfs by flying it to Cape town in a rpg-like fashion. I found that the wing-leveler AP works in all aircraft, bit of a cheat, but sure makes it a lot more comfortable flying cross-country while browsing the net, etc.

MSFS would be damn near perfect for me if it had American Truck Simulator’s “game” bolted on top of it.

To wit:

  • Simplified financials including bank loands
  • Owning own garage (airfield)
  • Pay-for-hire (grab a rando job at your airfield and go)
  • Owning own trucks (aircraft)
  • Different perks for performance
  • Hiring additional drivers (pilots)


Air Hauler sounds like a one-for-one fix for you then! Read they’re pluggin hard on getting it to work with MSFS.

Combined with ALT hold and/or NAV to hold a GPS or VOR line and you can get a touch more hands-off.