Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

I thought Neofly did have real world emergencies? I have to admit I haven’t done any of that more quirky stuff yet, just airstrip to airstrip ferrying missions

I think the Deadstick people could use a hand…

Maybe they should have an over-arching goal of being able to buy a space shuttle to leave planet Earth. That would be a nice monetary goal?

Has anyone made or is making extended tutorials? I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love more instruction and exercises on how to do everything as for real as possible. Watching endless youtube videos is educational but I’d rather be flying than watching.

Even just prompts rather than assists that do things for you would be great. For example rather than auto mixture, a “flight instructor” that mentions you are running too rich/lean.


Why not both? I’ve usually got YT running on a second monitor while I fly.

YES! Is that available with good detail from somewhere?

I bought a set of IFR lessons from Aerosoft. I’ve found them helpful. I believe they have others.

It does, but only on a local scale. It uses some Bing API to get info on carcrashed and fires and such and can generate based on that. He also has a few humanitarian missions set up, but those are fairly limited. I haven’t done much with them, though, to be fair.

It really depends what you’re looking for – the world of flight simming (and aviation in general) is so vast no one set of tutorials can cover it all. Since you mention mixture it sounds like you’re looking for some basic instruction… if you’re not averse to paying, I have heard a lot of good things about FSFlyingSchool over the years, and it’s now available for MSFS. If you look at some of the demo videos on their site, you can see it really is like having a virtual instructor in the cockpit with you.

There’s also a really great website,, which has archives of vintage flight sim books. (Didn’t see that one coming, did you?) The ones about, say, destinations in FS4 don’t have much value these days other than nostalgia, but a few of them are really good introductions to the basic aviation topics which don’t change much – lift and drag were lift and drag 30 years ago just as they are today.

I’d recommend, depending on your particular interest, Leaning to Fly with Flight Simulator , Flying on Instruments with Flight Simulator, and/or Realistic Commercial Flying with Flight Simulator. (That last is probably slightly more out of date feeling, but still useful and fun.)

Of course, the FAA’s bible, the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, is also available free online, if you want to suck from the firehose of information and read the same thing student pilots do.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve actually been reading and watching videos on this stuff so much that google seems to think I’m in the market for a Beechcraft.

Naw man, msfs2020 is still wet behind the ears. Give it a year or two. See the lettering on the nose? Mria, dream. You and me both brother.

I want to try and land that on @Editer 's baby airstrip LOL.

Only when they add in il-2’s damage and crash simulation lol

Hooray, my Honeycomb throttle quandrant shipped so I can finally play this.

Hah! I actually dug out my copy of Flying on Instruments with Flight Simulator a week or two ago, to see how useful it still would be. I picked up a copy at work at my first job out of college at Compute! Magazine – it was published in 1987 by Compute! Books, two years before I started working there.

Simon reports that much of it still applies despite its age.

I’m debating picking up FS Academy IFR. Has interactive missions for MSFS in addition to tons of documentation.

That’s the one I bought. It’s probably worth it although “tons of documentation” is a stretch. It’s a sparse 47 page pdf but I was capable of filling in much of the blanks. The lessons sometimes go a little fast and don’t really break down what you’re supposed to do in as much detail as I would have liked. Supplemented with some YouTube though, I’ve found it helpful.

Ah, thanks for the review, Ike. Still sounds worth $20-ish.

Nice. Did you preorder from honeycomb? It’s not showing in stock anywhere I can find.

If you do please post impressions. That seem like the sort of thing I’m looking for.

I did quite a ways back.

Do they talk you through what to do? Or do you have to read steps to play along?

They talk you through it but sometimes not how to do it in a s much detail as I would like. You will occasionally have to refer to a chart.

For example, one of the later lessons has you track an ADF beacon but doesn’t tell you how to actually tune the frequency into the G1000. I found it eventually, but not until I was long off course and by then I had lost the track of the tutorial.