Microsoft Security Essentials released

That’s good, it’s still overpriced isn’t it? Like a $50 per year subscription. PER COMPUTER. Geez. I have 5 computers there’s no way I’m paying $250/year.

$90 for a 5-user pack (for just the antivirus – if you want 360 it’s $130). It’s kind of moot, though, because everything’s overpriced relative to the excellent free options that are available.

Indeed, the utility per price for free goods is INFINITE! And whoever said there was no such thing as a free lunch hasn’t heard of the internets.

Did Microsoft just change MSE so that every single definition update now pops up that nagging Windows update tooltip? Because that would suck. I liked that definition updates were downloaded and installed silently, even though I had other updates set to “ask me first”. I don’t need to be asked about virus definitions…

It’s been doing that to me ever since Windows Defender on Vista, and you can’t simply hide them because that only hides that one specific update and the next one to come along is considered a new, completely different one.

Maybe it’s just a matter of timing, based on the last time an update scan was done, when the system’s been turned off and rebooted, etc., and some people have just been lucky enough not to see an update happen at the “wrong” time. Though it happens to me, it’s still fairly infrequent.

I got a tooltip for a new version of MSE last night, but I haven’t seen warnings about new definitions since.

MS did release an updated client on Patch Tuesday this week.

I know, that’s why I wondered if that patch changed the definition update notifications.

Chris, I just noticed the same thing this week, which is really annoying. I just want it to update that shit when it happens and tell me about the other updates for windows. Hopefully they fix this.

Any Windows Update notifications you receive are entirely controlled by Windows Update, not the application you’re downloading the updates for, or a client application like MSE calling Windows Update APIs to separately perform a scan.

If you have your options set to automatically install everything at a scheduled time, you won’t see any notifications unless something requires you to accept a EULA or something. It might have been that the new client version of MSE required you to accept a EULA?

If you’re in the Scheduled Install mode, then going forward you shouldn’t see any notifications you hadn’t previously seen. If you’re in the notify before install or notify before download mode, then you’ll get notifications when each definition update is released - annoying, but still, no different from how it’s worked since MSE’s original release.

Actually, MSE used to automatically install the updates when it came to definitions, though not 100% sure on client update itselfs, but 100% sure on definitions, without it triggering your input with the Windows Update center. I’ve always had Windows set to tell me when there are updates, but not to do any downloading/updating unless otherwise needed. That being said MSE still maintained an updated definitions without it requiring any intervention on my part. This changed within the past week, so yes, this is something new.

I’ve always seen notifications for definition updates, weird

Then I guess our systems had a bug all along that Microsoft has now “fixed”. I wish they hadn’t, though. Can we have an option for silent definition updates, please?

At least on my system, Security Essentials (the entire program) updated this week, so I was prompted to install it. This is different than the normal frequent definition updates. Since then, I’ve received one more Virus database update, which was silent as normal.

So, hivemind, should a total PC noob like me dump Avira for MSE or what?

There’s a thread talking about the latest issue with MSE using Windows Update to do your updates now. There’s several other threads on that forum, but it looks like there is no answer yet. You might want to keep your eye on that forum to see if there are any changes or fixes people figure out.

Thanks, added myself to the people needing an answer!

Not if Avira is running smoothly and not causing trouble.

Turns out that MSE does install its latest definition updates automatically if you simply don’t respond to the nag window! And least that’s what just happened on my system when I forgot to click on the window. Went away by itself and installed the update.

Yes, it is updating on it’s own, but for me what’s annoying is the updater grabs focus during the download and again during the install. I was playing EU3 last night and the thing pulled me out of the game twice. Very silly change that doesn’t add anything to the functionality. Hopefully they’ll revert back to the way it was.

MS does do some questionable, unfriendly, things with their updates though. I do auto-download but manual install of the OS stuff since it forces you to restart then and there (the “ask again later” option prompts you again in like 5 minutes). I’ll restart when I’m not doing something damn it.