Minecraft! (single player dwarf fortress)

Are there any graphic mods for the Win 10 version? I’ve been away from it for a while.

I’ve not yet run a shader mod I liked or that had a good trade off between performance and beautification of the game.

Something like what was promised with ray tracing just seem to be pushing minecraft’s engine far past where it can comfortably run.

I think it was worse than that. Mojang were publicly commenting on difficulties they were running into with the Super Duper update, within a few months of first announcing it at E3 2017. Then they went silent about it for a LONG time, only confirming once or twice that work was still ongoing in single sentence statements. Regarding platforms, my impression was never that it was meant for every platform - it was meant for Xbox One X and PC.

I think it was just a case of publicly announcing something before they fully realized what they were promising and what it would take to implement with stability.

Whelp, good news: I was wrong about the nVidia shaders. Per Mojang it’s using Direct X R so should work on other cards too.

From https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/render-dragon-and-nvidia-ray-tracing

Also from that page it won’t be out until sometime next year so it’s a bit odd to announce it now. Maybe they want to make up for disappointment about canceling Super Duper?

They also announced a new renderer with other smaller improvements rolling out over the next few months.

All of this limited so to the “Bedrock” edition so Java version players will just have to keep using mods.


Bees are evil.


I do this all the time too. In reality the joke is that Lindsay is talking about beads and Gob keeps asking “Bees!?”

But people don’t mention beads as often in conversation, so I do the reverse too and ask “beads?” to discussions about bees.

Just saying I can relate.

There is something I always thought was a feature in minecraft version 1.7.10. There was a function key you would hit to show chunk borders, and another hot-key that would show mob-spawning light levels on the ground. A yellow X for nightime spawns, and a red X for daytime spawns.

Anyway, I decided to install the FTB Infinity mod pack, which is one I used a lot and I could not remember the hot keys for this functionality. I knew it was a F-key, like F7 or F8. So then I google this, and can’t find any reference to these keys.

It is my guess that this functionality was part of a mod pack (and must have been a common mod because I used it in many mod packs). It must have been removed from the infinity pack. Does anyone have an idea of what mod added this functionality?

I want to do some large builds and I was planning on using chunk boundaries as markers. This is going to be a problem without the ability to easily see them.

According to the wiki, it’s F3 + G to show chunk borders. I haven’t tried it.

That isn’t version 1.7.10. I actually think it was introduced in version 1.10.

FTBUtils for chunks under 1.7.10 (F9 toggle) and light level (F7). It’s a feature that’s lived in several different mods over the years. MoreOverlays for 1.10+ when Mojang added F3+G.


Hmm, it seems that functionality is removed or disabled. the FTB Utils is in the current version of the infinity pack, its just that those hot keys do not work. I am not finding a FTB Utils for chunks mod, unless its the chunk loader mod.

Check your bindings, in some versions they are not mapped.

Is this in a config file. I did go the the keybiinds in the minecraft menu, and I didn’t see anything related to that. Is there a place for unmapped functions keybinds, because I noticed everything was mapped in the keymap area, so if was unmapped, it might not show up there.

No, the menu is just what I meant. So I know the chunk borders used to be handled by JEI/NEI most of the time. Which led to this thread with some good suggestions - https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/nei-chunk-boundires-borders.20096/

If you have been looking for a Sim Village type of mod for Minecraft, Tango Tek has released the Tektopia mod he has been working on for many months. It’s a full mod that makes villages fully developed entities. You need to recruit villagers, give them jobs and homes, which they will carry out with fully developed AI’s. As the village grows, it will attract threats (specifically, a necromancer and its undead army) you will need to have guards to defend against.

Here is the wiki for the mod: https://sites.google.com/view/tektopia

The announcement and links are here:

But if you want to see him go through the development of the mod and explain a new villager / building type per video, you can also watch the video series here:

Thats a lot of active players!

I started goofing around in this again, and was searching for some mods, and ended up at Wynncraft. Has anyone played this, it’s completely insane.
Wynncraft MMO

The world building, fully scripted quests, classes, gear…I can’t even imagine the amount of work this took. Free to play, easy to setup, just crazy. What a world we live in.

I have a modded Minecraft server running in beta for 2 weeks, plan to wipe it then launch aprox 10 Oct. Check it out if you are curious.

Minecraft Seasons is a server and collection of mods focused on increasing the feeling of adventure in the world. Here are the top ten things you should know about it:

  1. Seasons change, which changes the temperature, harvest and foliage. Standing outside at noon in the summer in the desert is dangerous, as is midnight in winter in the mountains. Seasons are 15 in-game days long (5 real hours), and if you play at the same time every day then you will experience different seasons. Details here: https://github.com/Glitchfiend/SereneSeasons/wiki/

  2. You need food, water and shelter to survive. Lack of food or water will eventually kill you, as will exposure to extreme temperatures. You can see your body temperature, and compensate for the temperature by crafting and wearing things like wool armor for warmth and slime armor for cooling. Build campfires to warm up or swim to cool off. Details here: https://github.com/Glitchfiend/ToughAsNails/wiki/

  3. Crops are plentiful and there are many more foods to create. Each biome has a unique garden type that spawns naturally, which produces raw fruit, vegetables or spices when harvested. Fruit from trees can be picked. These can be turned into seeds and grown on farms. Raw ingredients can be combined alongside the meat from animals to make elaborate meals. The more different prepared foods you eat, the more permanent hearts you gain. Details here: https://harvestcraftmod.fandom.com/wiki/HarvestCraft_Wiki/

  4. There are different mob types, such as Foliaath the plant monster or Frostmaw the snow giant. Normal mobs spawn rarely as enhanced versions, such as a “Ghastly Zombie of Lifestealing”. There is a small chance a blood moon will rise, which causes mobs to spawn more densely.

  5. There are more dungeon types. “Roguelike” dungeons are towers that descend many levels deep, filled with unique rooms, monsters and treasure. “Doomlike” dungeons are found underground, with wide layouts that span multiple rooms filled with monsters.

  6. There are additional dimensions separate from the hell-like Nether and space-like End. Use dirt, flowers, water and a diamond to create a portal to a magical dark forest, filled with quests and unique monsters. Use glowstone and water to create a portal to a dimension in the air, filled with fluffy clouds, flying creatures and unique dungeons. Details here https://aether.gamepedia.com/The_Aether_I and here http://benimatic.com/tfwiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

  7. Normal villages have bounty boards where you can accept tasks (like kill 6 skeletons or harvest 20 wheat) and complete them for rewards. There are also multiple themed villages of different cultures filled with unique named villagers that work and play. Complete tasks for them to gain faction in order to trade with and lead them. Beware the bandits that harass the villages, and don’t assume all villages are friendly! Details here https://millenaire.org/wiki/Millénaire_Wiki

  8. You can use XP to specialize into combat, crafting or harvesting and train dozens of unique skills. Details here https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/level-up

  9. Tools and equipment may gain randomly qualities, such as a “Vicious Sword” or a “Dented Helmet”. Re-forge them to change their qualities. If you get a unique quality item then keep it repaired so it doesn’t break.

  10. When you die you drop a gravestone. Use your death note to be led back to your grave. Sneak over your grave (shift + walk) and all of your items will be instantly re-equipped into their original slots.

To connect:

  1. Install Java version of Minecraft: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/
    (As always, install latest Java, remove old versions of Java, etc)

  2. Install this version of Minecraft Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.2.html

  3. Unzip these files into your .minecraft folder (usually C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming.minecraft). Overwrite, so the files in the mod folder in the zip go into the mod folder in your .minecraft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6ki6ekbqzurca8/minecraft-seasons-v01.zip?dl=1
    (Its got the texture packs I prefer, enable them via options.)

  4. Connect to the server:
    (Its on US west coast)

Ping me here if any Qs. I am enjoying this mix of mods. :-)