Minecraft! (single player dwarf fortress)

I’ve definitely had a sheep spawn in my greenhouse, which is covered in glass and and only has a secured door for access. However, there’s only been a single one in many days (compared to seventy billion in my main base and mines), so there might be something to there being a reduced chance for spawn under glass.

Sheep grow from spores, so that makes sense.

Oh, also if you can, you might want to see if you can move the save to slot 5 - I suspect most people playing will definitely have world 1 taken, and possibly more. I have 2 myself, as I wanted a snow and no-snow one.

Wow this game seems great, thanks for making a thread for it. At first the graphics really turned me off, but the more I tried out the browser game and looked up youtube videos it’s really growing on me. Very unique and charming art style. One question though, does anyone know if there is plans to include npc allies? I imagine building a huge fortress will be quite lonely if you’re the only one who inhabits it.


Wow, I just found a motherlode of a cave, and inhabited by only one spider. If I can keep in torches, this place is gonna be great!

Hmm, wonder if there’s any uses for running water yet.

@Timsfker: good question. I’d worry about that turning into a different sort of game though - unless all the allies can do is fight, it might require more micro-management than (so far) this game seems made for.

Here is my first Fort so far


Not sure why the video looks like crap but there it is.

There are plans to implement NPC settlements in the world, in both hostile and friendly flavors. As far as other inhabitants of your own creations goes, I think, like EFG said, that’s a niche that will be filled with multiplayer. In any case, NPCs aren’t scheduled to be worked on until after biomes, seasons, and multiplayer are finished.

So what you’re saying is you’ve gotten your ten dollars worth? :)

PS Where are the TNT traps? They’re the most important part of any fort!

I’ve more then got my 13 bucks worth. I am still trying to mine more diamonds though they are hard to find.

I’ll try a turn

(Uninformed opinion)

This looks neat.

Nicely done.

I’d love to join a succession game but I’m too busy atm.

Jeez, it must have been tedious building temporary bridges to get all those torches so high up on the walls. Nicely done, though.

HA! Well I just throw torches up kinda a random as I am going through. I did some research last night and it seems that mining for diamonds is kinda pointless. I still have not found much iron though which kinda sucks.

My goal for tonight though is to set up a tree farm and make some storage chests so I can stop throwing stuff away.

Ah, the possibilities… :)

Looks great! Reminds me that I need to try out stairs/steps for easy access to my lower reaches.

I just bought this last night as well, since you guys were talking it up :D

I haven’t installed it yet… should I be expecting a key or s/n of some sort in an email, or is it entirely an account based thing?

It is entirely account based. Whether you download the client or play through a browser, you just login and your saves are always there.

Thanks for the info.

My main PC is scheduled to be back from warranty repair today, and I’ll give it a try.

I thought it might run on my netbook in the interim, but it doesn’t. Freakin’ GMA500/Poulsbo has no OpenGL 2.0 support in Win7. Yet another reason to hate that chipset.

Yeah this definitely looked like a netbook game but I’m getting like 10 FPS on the “fast” setting. Oh well, time to install it on the gaming rig.