Mom of the year?

BBC News:

In Europe 2.1 children per woman is considered to be the population replacement level. These are national averages
Ireland: 1.99
France: 1.90
Norway: 1.81
Sweden 1.75
UK: 1.74
Netherlands: 1.73
Germany: 1.37
Italy: 1.33
Spain: 1.32
Greece: 1.29
Source: Eurostat - 2004 figures

You might get a different impression if you google up “birth rates” rather than the fertility levels considered to be necessary for population replacement.

Yes, because you are ignoring immigration.

Only if you ignore immigration.

As it turns out, all of those countries are increasing in population except Germany and Italy. Germany is losing 0.04% of its population per year, and Italy is losing 0.02%. Nothing to lose sleep over - even a 5% drop in population will take more than 100 years at those rates.

A curious choice.

I’m guessing the “J” is some type of honoring Jesus thing…

Not necessarily. Most of those names are conventional biblical names. Once they got started with the “J” theme, they may have just decided to continue it.

Congratulations, magnet. You seem to get my point, yet phrase it as if you are refuting my point. European countries use immigrants to provide labor their native populations can’t provide because they aren’t reproducing. Why aren’t they reproducing? IMO, because it would interfere with their self-indulgent lifestyles (or if you find that phrasing offensive, “achieveing self-actualization”). Children are expensive, both in money and time, and get in the way of enjoying one’s self.

Your statement “nothing to lose sleep over” assumes that immigrants act as replacement citizens to the countries they move to. Unfortunately, immigrants in Europe don’t assimilate very well. Thus, a lot of European nations will have majority muslim populations in a couple of generations. Which, since these countries are democracies, will ultimately result in the extinction of the society that imported the immigrant labor to support their self-indulgent lifestyle. Thus my earlier comment about losing the urge to populate the future once self-enjoyment reaches a certain level.

This is getting P&R:y, but the immigrant populations aren’t a huge amoeba swallowing and devouring the cultures they immigrate to. No doubt the immigration will have a lasting impact on the cultures of most european countires, but that does not mean that the ‘original’ culture will be supplanted by a new and homogenous immigrant culture. The immigrant adapts, and partake of the values and ideas they of the culture they have immigrated to. Some tryt to resist this, but most second generation immigrants will have been profoundly influenced by the country they have grown up in. Add to this that most European countires have immigrants from very diverse locations, a Bosnian muslim might not feel particularily close to a Somali, even if they share the same religion. The cultures of Europe will change, but they did so to an enormous degree in the last few centuries without the benefits of large scale immigration. The immigrants will have a very real effect on their adopted countires, but it will not be a one sided story of one culture replacing another, they will mesh into something new. Exactly what will be the end result is way to early to tell and will likely depend to a great degree on what technology and various non cultural global resource factors brings to the table.

Could you start citing some actual sources for this, because this is the best condensation of our crazy right wingers talking points I’ve ever seen.

We have an 8% immigrant population and a majority of these are muslim. While they aren’t assimilating (are American immigrants? It’s called ‘the melting pot’ not ‘assimilate or leave’) they certainly aren’t all sticking to their quaint medieval ways.
It’s seems like a few genrations removed they want two cars and all the same self indulgences we do, and thus their birtrates drop too.

I think you guys will be living in a right wing Christian fundamentalist theocracy due to fundies outbreeding city folk long before Europe will be a muslim kalifat under sharia law.
(ie I don’t see either happening, but I enjoy reading your crazy)

Oh crap! If I had known that box belonged to Pandora, I would have left it alone! There’s still time to close it before Hope escapes. Maybe a thread lock would do it?

I thought your point was “Countries like Russia and Greece are halving in population every generation at the current rate”, which makes no reference to either immigration or muslims.

It turns out your actual point is some incoherent muttering about the end of civilization. Since it lacks even the veneer of mathematical rigor, I’ll just leave you to your paranoid delusions.

The commonly cited example is the change over the last 60-80 years in Lebanon. Not that I’m a proponent of these theories.

We don’t know what actually conspired, but as a teacher she should know not to condone fighting among students. But what’s really surprising is that she “drove” her daughter specifically to fight. If it was standing up to a bully, to a certain extent it’s understandable but if it’s a trivial verbal quarrel, then it would’ve been better handled with words.

Regarding the 18 children mother, it’s understandable as long as she takes care of them correctly and can afford to. Actually a big family can be seen as healthy to the children as it would teach them tolerence and co-operation.

Huh…You know that the owner of Trucadero is not of british origin right? You know that the owner of Harrod’s isn’t either. They both give “good” business to the UK. Also the many curry houses in the UK, are very healthy for the economy.

Thus, a lot of European nations will have majority muslim populations in a couple of generations. Which, since these countries are democracies, will ultimately result in the extinction of the society that imported the immigrant labor to support their self-indulgent lifestyle. Thus my earlier comment about losing the urge to populate the future once self-enjoyment reaches a certain level.

Are you inferring that this is a bad thing or that European culture will be lost as a result of this? I’m confused.

Whatever. Phrase it in future tense, and yes, that’s what the demographics look like right now.

B. If western Europe wants to wish themselves out of existence, that’s their business. I think it will be a shame, but I also think I won’t be around to see it.