Most overrated games of 2013

Title Most overrated games of 2013
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Features
When December 16, 2013

Overrated is a loaded term. It looks good in a headline. It's often used for no purpose other than to goad a reaction. But that doesn't mean it isn't useful..

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Great list. I completely agree with Infinite. I liked the story but didn't enjoy playing it.

I'll call Blood Dragon a guilty pleasure, but this really did seem like the year of valuing story over gameplay.

as much as i look forward to this day every year, this list reads like a quicklist of the first-response line for discrediting games

was expecting at least a little more insight as to why these are overrated, instead of tom keeping his thoughts to himself

that said i'm sitting down to play Gone Home this evening and have already witnessed enough backlash for it that it may not escape my personal list. it's the only thing that comes to mind immediately, but i'm interested in seeing what others have in mind. hopefully there's a thread for this on the boards

If you're looking for more insight as to why they're overrated, Tom provided links to his reviews.

Rome 2 is just a disaster of a game. To read some of the 90+ score reviews is into enter the twilight zone.

Still wishing I could appreciate just how overrated GTA V is though, looks sweet.

true - and i've read them, but was just hoping for more of a detailed reflection on each game

maybe it's just my old memory but it seems like there was more content in previous years' lists

I'm not sure I'd agree that GTAV is overrated...but then, I didn't really follow the reviews too closely. I thought it mostly received 'good' rather than 'zomg AWESLOME!!' reviews. GTA4 is the very definition of an overrated game to me, with all the breathless '10!! 10!! 10!!! TEN!!!' reviews (along with the inevitible "a new paradigm in gaming!!!" comments) it got right out of the gate. I agree that it has some random and not fleshed out systems, but it's the best GTA game I've played, and it's a large gap to second place. Just my opinion.

Yeah... it seems like that to me, too, now that you mention it.

Not only did he give it 5 stars, he described it as "an unforgettable American masterpiece worthy of an auteur." I'm not sure how a game can be both an unforgettable masterpiece and overrated.

It's too bad things on the Internet vanish at the stroke of midnight, so there's no way we can check.

Maybe he finally realized it was full of poop jokes and terrible game design. A yoga mission? Seriously?

You see? Some of those summaries were entire words longer than the ones this year, you rube!

All of these games that I did play, I traded or gave away. A few had me going back to prequels. Civ4 is great. Bioshock 2 mesmerized me. GTA3 was the bees knees. And Shogun 2 is on my top 5. I'm not sure what that says about me. Either the newer games aren't as good or I'm getting old and crotchity.

Why can't something be both? Since music is my forte, I can't think of many classic, must-own rock and roll records that are not both masterpieces, and yet also overrated. As humans it's only natural for us to be overwhelmed at the moment of experiencing something (like a game, or a movie, or whatever), and yet also realize later that there is no way to place it properly without hyperbole and exaggeration leading to what could be described as "overrating" that same thing.

He says in the beginning that overrated (as he's using it) doesn't mean that he didn't like it. He's surprised everyone else loved it so much when he expected a cloud of "this should have been better" talk surrounding it.

Tom. Genius as always. Expand this to cover the entire generation. Take a while with it. Reading your stuff on thirty years of horror (or whatever) was the highlight of my fall. I looked forward to those. Write more, even if you have to play games less.

Seems a bit of a stretch to call this list "genius." (or ingenious, for that matter.)

I'm surprised Gone Home isn't on here.

The reviews attached are genius, d-bag. Tom's writing. Who asked you?

I like it when it's explained to a dumb guy like me why I'm not enjoying a game as much as all the other knuckleheads seem to be.