Movie spaceship of the day: Imperial Star Destroyer

Title Movie spaceship of the day: Imperial Star Destroyer
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Features
When October 15, 2013

The camera just happens to be floating in space, pointing in a fixed direction that will coincide with the route of a Corellian corvette fleeing from an Imperial Star Destroyer..

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Actually, they would have been inadvertently destructible, because they would not have had shields! You would have made the Rebel fleet's job a lot easier.

It is kind of funny how the Empire gives all its largest weapons that one little vulnerability. I like to think they're being sporting, in their own way.

"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."

They also look an awful lot like the radar domes 70s naval vessels had lots of. Look up pics of a frigate, destroyer or even an aircraft carrier from the time star wars was made. Those domes are everywhere!

Ah, of course! Good call, schurem!

They would have still had shield generators , however on Tom's design they would look like kittens or something.

Dum dum dum,
Dum dee-dum,
Dum dee-dum!