Movie spaceship of the day: The Slave I

Title Movie spaceship of the day: The Slave I
Author Nick Diamon
Posted in Features
When October 14, 2013

Before Boba Fett became a New Zealand Order of Merit member, he was a growly badass bounty hunter with a penchant for standing in the shadows with his rifle on the crook of his arm..

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I always assumed that the ship was supposed to evoke Fett's helmet (at least when vertical). It's not a one-to-one match (because that would be stupid) but it's close enough to fit with the character. I assumed that's why Samus Aran's ships have looked similar to her helmets; she's heavily inspired by Boba Fett, so her ship follows suit.

Isn't Boba Fett that guy who was knocked into a hole by a blind man with a stick?

Less knocked, more swan dived

The original Firespray flight-deck was designed for the pilots to fly the thing while standing up!
Landing orientation required you to be nimble to get into the flight-harness, but once in flight everything was 'right side up'. Very little of the 'internals' were designed for landing-mode access.
The ship was made for long-endurance patrols, so having the pilot stand helps keep them alert.