Movies you loved as a kid, until you watched them again as an adult

One of my fondest memories of movies was watching Moonraker with my friends. I know the makers of the current Bond movies wanted to get away from the quips and gadgets, but they went too far making it serious. Even the books had spy gadgets.

Feh, it’s not just that. I think he captured the intensity of the character just boiling underneath the surface perfectly. I also thought he did a better job separating Wayne from Batman.

Uh, yeah, as well as Lewis Wilson from the 1940’s serial. I did say “live action”. ;) If we’re counting best Batman period, then of course it’s Kevin Conroy.

Moore was “my” bond as well, and For Your Eyes Only was the first Bond movie I ever saw, still love it to this day.

The Beastmaster. Loved the whole barbarian thing when I was a kid.
It’s so abysmally bad now.

Gotta go with Return of the Jedi. It was like a religious experience as a kid.

Now: ho man is that movie bad. Campy cliched awful awfulness.

The Absent Minded Professor. Giggly fun as a kid, just kind of dumb as an adult.

It took me a while to think of one - I remember more the ones that I loved and still have a soft spot for: Forbidden Planet, Jason and the Argonauts, Mysterious Island, Journey to the Center of the Earth (though I now cringe every time Pat Boone opens his trap), the Time Machine, Robinson Crusoe on Mars. They have their faults, but I’ll watch them again and enjoy them for what they are.

Oh no you didn’t!

Wait really? Clooney? Clooney was TERRIBLE. I would actually put Keaton right up at the top, but I can at least appreciate West and Kilmer. But Clooney? Really?

Hmmm. Weird.

We had Return of the Pink Panther as a Movie Club entry a while ago, and when it was announced, I was all “Oh man that movie was AWESOME, great pick!” and then after watching it again i was all… “Ehrm… uhm… uh… not as good as I remembered.”

I think all the Pink Panther movies are like that, hilarious the first time, then rather tedious. I think it has something to do with the basic nature of the humor, it just doesn’t work as well a second time. I mean, all humor is kind of like that, but lots of things stay at least amusing forever, whereas PP just seems to fall flat a second time.

Same thing with La Chèvre, which on the first viewing was the funniest movie I’ve ever seen, but seen again years later was much less impressive.

Didn’t watch it as an adult though because I knew I wouldn’t like it anymore.
Fond memories conserved!

As much as seeing a great classic sci-fi movie is a let down after gazing upon the face of God (seeing Empire as an eight year old), I for one still love giant stompy robots.

Some of the choices do not belong in this thread.

Yeah, but I watched that movie a dozen times or so as a kid. You know how kids are. And I didn’t expect it to be nearly as lame afterwards. I mean, it didn’t even get the benefit of nostalgia that works so well with e.g. Tron.

The Ewok Adventure - This is a no you shouldn’t watch this movie ever again. Horrible. Horrible movie. Loved it so much as a kid though. What Star Wars kid wouldn’t like more adventures in the Star Wars world!?!

American Ninja - Wow, I loved this as a kid and watched it many times so I could pick up “ninja training techniques” that my buddy and I could use to become ninjas. Sigh. Oh to be a kid again with such good career goals!

But it leads to the sequel with Wilford Brimley, man! Wilford. Brimley.

Highlander. Oh boy, it has not aged well.

There can be only one. Or two. Well, maybe three, but that’s it. And a TV series.

Oooohhhhhh nooooo yoooouuuu diiiiiideeeeent!

Clooney was awful - but then virtually everyone in that movie was awful: Clooney, Uma, Ahnold, Baby-Fat Girl - when everyone sucks it’s usually some combination of script/direction.