MS: 360 sold 310,00 last week, 2:1 over PS3, sony: Nuh-uh

The first 1.5 years of the 360 there were tons of PS3 fanboys and industry analysts proclaiming the 360 was d0med because the software attach rate for it was TOO HIGH. Yes, TOO HIGH! Just like the people who made that claim.

And that right there explains a lot towards why the PS3 is failing as a game console especially when compared to the dominance of the PS2 in the last generation.

Jesus. Not even then. The PS2 utterly dominated last generation. Now, if everything comes up roses, the PS3 might achieve parity with the 360? There’s simply no way to look at taking that amount of momentum and blowing it as anything other than an abject failure.

Sure, that’s fine.

But I think this conversation was comparing the PS3 against the 360 as a games console. When we talk about the 360 ‘beating’ the PS3 or vice versa, I don’t think anyone cares if people are watching HD movies – we care about what kind of games are coming out for the system, and which system has critical mass in the gaming department.