MST3K Rocks!


Dude, it’s 5 minutes! Anyway, it’s basically stepping through their proposal and the tiers they are trying to meet. Since they’ve hit $2 million as I mentioned, the next tier is $3.3 million which gets us to 6 new episodes.

Implication that the cast from the two reboot seasons will be the primary cast for new season(s)? I am lazy and don’t want to pause the good album I’m listening to :D

I’m at work, there’s people around. :P

Jonah is in the video, and Joel has mentioned Felicia and Patton separately, so yeah. That’s the implication. Now I guess we can also speculate, do they just maintain two separate crews, keeping the road crew that they’ve used for a lot of the traveling shows and some of the streamed events? Not really sure about that. But I’m guessing so, since they do mention continuing to do live events, and the reason they brought the other gang on was because Jonah, Patton and Felicia couldn’t commit to the road gigs.

They’ve said Jonah/Patton/Felicia are “involved.” That could mean cameos as much as starring roles. I’m sure it’s one of the most asked questions, and they’ve teased a Q&A coming soon.

I wouldn’t have said this a few months ago, but I hope they leave Har Mar Superstar out of it.

From their latest update:

Yes, I’m happy to report that ALL of our main cast members from our last two seasons have agreed to come back for another round! So, Jonah will be hosting again, and Baron and Hampton will be back to reprise Tom and Crow. Rebecca will be back as Synthia and GPC, and of course, Felicia and Patton will return as our brilliant Mads, Kinga Forrester and Max.

PHEW! Alright, well, small relief then. I rather adored the new cast. I mean no one can compare to Mike Nelson, of course, but I realize that opinion makes me a massive heretic in the fandom :)

Well I mean, Mike’s … ok, I guess.

Fellow Mike fan here.

Incidentally, Joel was on The Flophouse promoting the KS, and while they didn’t explicitly address it, it definitely sounds like Elliott is not formally on board. Among other things, he described Joel as his “former boss”. Also, you know, it seems like they would have mentioned he was going to be writing for the new episodes if he was.

Edit: And he’s replied to a direct question in the tweet thread linked above:

I was originally a Mike person, but I’ve been rewatching the series in random order with a friend of mine, and I’ve swung hard in the direction of preferring Joel.

The Netflix episodes are fine, but the pace feels too rapid fire to me; and it often feels like the individual riffs are just randomly distributed between them rather than being in the voice of the character speaking.

So for those of you who aren’t part of the latest Kickstarter and may not be getting email updates, let me sum up a bit of the latest news:

The Kickstarter is very close to the $3.3 million mark (like just $35,000 or so short as of this post), which would get the show to 6 new episodes.

I had wondered above how things would work with having two casts - last time around, Jonah and the others recorded episodes while a new group was handling the live tours. Joel has posted that this time around, Jonah and Emily (the “road Joel”) would be sharing hosting duties on the new episodes. Sounds like the mads will be tormenting two groups of human + bots. Sounds interesting.

They’re also working on making this season completely virtual, no gathering in a studio for recording, mainly due to COVID. But they hope that this will give them more flexibility and room for creativity. Who knows? But Joel also mentions that if they hit the next money goal of $4.4 million, then Joel will suit up and host an episode of MST3K! And if they hit the $5.5M goal, he’ll host 2 episodes! And he mentions that, while they have their own gigs, they have a standing invitation to Mike and the others to make appearances as well if they wish.

Pretty happy to see the roadshow crew brought into the season. Not that I have anything against Jonah; just thought those kids were fun, and I was kind of looking forward to a lady-Joel if we got more MST3k.

As luck would have it, today marked a MST3K anniversary, and so an older oral history of the show itself bubbled up from my timeline:

which paired nicely with the new oral history the AV Club just did for the 25th anniversary (!) of MST3K: The Movie (the one with This Island Earth).

They’re worth reading.

These are so good, thank you! I had no idea Hodgson had a decent stand-up career before MST3K.

He appeared on SNL a few times prior, it was odd.

That’s where the Invention Exchange came from. It was a direct continuation of his standup act.