My Cat Died

What the fuck is that Yuri?

Presumably the overdue attempt to show what jackasses we are for caring about pets when there’s human suffering going on. At least, I assume so, since he just did a shallow photobomb without offering a word of explanation, and that’s usually the tactic of those who think their righteousness is self evident, when they shit in a thread. I think last time it was ‘how dare you people have real human emotions when you’re mean about stuff elsewhere’.

I agree with Demon: unexplained weight loss is worth checking out. Our 18-year old cat passed away last year, and it started with unexplained weight loss. In the end, the vet said it was a combination of kidney and liver failure, both related to old age. We started giving him fluid injections and he really perked up for a while; apparantly dehydration was a big part of the problem. Even though it didn’t change the outcome, I’m glad we were able to do something to improve his quality of life for a while near the end.

Yeah? Well that doesn’t sound too good. I guess I will have to get him checked, then. His demeanor doesn’t seem to have changed, anyhow.

My heartfelt condolences, as well, Demon. Our cat of 15 years died on Thanksgiving day and our whole family is still grieving over it. TIme is helping a little, as it always does, but I don’t think a day has gone by yet when I haven’t thought that I’ve seen him in one of his usual spots, or heard him meowing outside to come in…the brain (and heart) take awhile to just accept that it’s even happened.

I wrote some words about my cat on my blog. This isn’t blog pimping, just sharing the link cuz…I know other people’s stories have kinda helped me deal.

Sorry again for your loss, and, like everyone else is saying…remember the good times. You were all lucky, human and feline, to have that bond.