My snake, let me show you him!

I did indeed suspect!

NOW THAT SAID YOU CREEPY SNAKE MOFOS! Sorry for the caps, but damned if I didn’t see Basic Snake (he’s the tutorial boss) slither vertically up my parent’s brick wall and absolutely wreck a bird’s nest twenty feet off the ground. If the snake coalition can rein in this sort of behavior, we can reach an accord. Quit climbing brick walls, weirdos!

I suppose I should repost this:

Culebra oscura!

Full disclosure, I looked for a couple of minutes and just assumed it was a joke photo with zero snek.

Ha, right you are, took two seconds with that hint. Camo master Uber alles.

This one is cheating a bit because its an adolescent copperhead and its partially hidden, but I promise it’s there…

edit: Bah, the resolution is too small. Try this link for a larger image, but beware - reading the comments will give the answer away…

Southern Copperhead Camouflage | A young adult southern copp… | Flickr

I knew that photo!!! Yet still it took me over a minute to find him again…

Edit: as for the second one: I needed the comments…

With the snake in the picture I posted, I did not want him on my front door step, so I used a grabber thing to gently lift him–with his meal of fresh toad still being enjoyed–across the dirt road to the woods, where I let him continue his repast. I have no desire to harm snakes–they are wicked cool critters in many ways–but there are questions of, um, personal space, y’know?

Have you met Buffy? Burmese python.

That has to be an older pic. Buffy would eat your poor doggies for breakfast.

Yeah, very old. I got her as a foot long baby. Even still have her egg case and first molt. When she hit six feet and could give you a good squeeze the wife started to freak. So I rehomed her to a guy I know that collected snakes.

Pro-tip whenever you encounter a bug, or snake, or plant you want to ID…
Take a picture with your phone, and if you have an Android phone, open the photos app and hit Lens at the bottom.

It is insanely good at identifying stuff.

Almost stepped on a copperhead when I lived in South Carlina for a bit. It was down in the basement/laundry that had an outside only entrance and I noticed it just inside the door on the floor. It was late in the fall and the place was up in the mountains so the thing wasn’t really moving and just semi curled up. Over the few years I was either living there or visiting I have no idea how we didn’t see more copperheads. Probably ran by dozens without ever knowing. I did rescue a water snake that had gotten stuck in some netting that is used to keep the steep sides of the koi pond from sliding down while grass was growing there.

I’ve thought the same. I grew up in somewhat more rural or at least close to woods settings right up until after college. And yet I’ve only seen two live and one dead copperhead my entire life. I guarantee you within 250 feet of my house there are probably a dozen, I just never see them.

Thankfully they aren’t horribly bad to get bitten by as far as that goes.

I’m usually pretty good at these, but for the life of me I can’t find the little bugger

I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or proud of this community. 3 days, 42 posts, a thread title that just screams out, and yet…no dick jokes.

not sure what you mean, you’ll have to unzip that for us

You know, I was just going for the Pokemon reference, totally didn’t think of that.

I don’t see the point in even considering making a dick joke on this forum after that JMJ post a while back about his dick being used as a weapon in the trenches of WWI. It’s been perfected. Time to move on.