NAME THIS CAT (with oblig. pictures)

Nico! From GTA4! Or Nicodemus.

I’m thinkin Shadow.

Or perhaps Firefly, ( the faceless master from Stormshadow’s ninja clan in the old GI Joe comic books)
Hell even “The Faceless Master” works.



Thanks, Athryn, the wife and I agree that is perfect.

I had a black cat named Lucky.

You said “him” so I assume it’s a boy.

How about Cinder?

That is a good choice. :)

Thanks! :D I am flattered!

Lil Barry.



Game over, man.

I don’t know about the black one, but Bean should really be named Abercrombie.

Goddamn you. That cat looks just like the kitten my girlfriend and I raised while I lived with her (5mo from its birth). Cutest freakin’ little bastard I ever knew, and my first cat.

She’s still with him and I hear regular updates of the cute stuff he does and it makes me all weepy.

For the record, we named ours Arthur.

It’s a shame you could not continue the food/bean pattern. This guy had Garbonzo written all over him (Garbo for short.)

SCHRODINGER! (I know it is over, but someone has to suggest it)

He looks like a Vlad to me.

This gave me a fond chuckle. I had two cats several years ago, one a red tabby and one a short haired gray who were Fred and Lamont. I miss those guys. Lamont was deaf and one of the coolest cats I’ve ever owned.

The cat would have to be half-black/half-white.



I like naming my critters after Trek characters.

Not Bonzo?

Still, nice.