NBC News thread of fine journalism


Tax planning!! Forgive the US govt. if they consider Al Sharpton small fry as bond villains go.

Fair response - I’ll concede he’s more of a Quantum of Solace-Bond villain than a Goldfinger Bond Villain :) He’s a world class huckster though, and he’s definitely not conceding he owes taxes or attempting to pay it back - he’s rationalizing and obfuscating.

At least the Beanie Baby dude created something of value. Love those critters.

Fair response - I’ll concede he’s more of a Quantum of Solace-Bond villain than a Goldfinger Bond Villain :)

He’s a world class huckster though, and he’s definitely not conceding he owes taxes or attempting to pay it back - he’s rationalizing and obfuscating.

At least the Beanie Baby dude created something of value instead of just fermenting racial strife to profit off of it. Love those beanie critters.

I dont know. Saw plenty of blood shed when it came to the babies. As to Al, well, we have a problem in the US, but to blame it on Al seems to be misplaced. Keep in mind, Black lives Matter.

In other words, a baptist minister ;)

I don’t know. Shit why wasn’t he jailed during the Clinton adminstration? Or the first Bush’s administration? Maybe his tax dodging hadn’t been uncovered?

Per the internet, since 2009 he has visited the Obama white house 81 times. Thats about once a month? Ouch.

Let’s look a bit closer at this:

Sharpton visits to Whitehouse

To recap, of Sharpton’s 72 meetings:

[li]One-on-one meetings: 5 (7 percent) [/li]> [li]Meetings with staff members or senior advisers, with more than one guest: 20 (27 percent) [/li]> [li]Events with more than 90 people: 16 (22 percent) [/li]> [li]Miscellaneous meetings or events, ranging from 3 to 700 guests: 31 (43 percent) [/li]> [/ul]

One might argue that for Sharpton, even 5 one-on-one meetings are too many. I would agree. But 85 visits are not 85 personal visits with the president.

I think if I were President, I wouldn’t meet with Sharpton even once, but the political reality is that Obama probably can’t afford to ignore him.

I wonder how many times he met with Bush over his two terms?

Or how many times President Bush met with someone from Bank of America, Citicorp, Blackwater type PMC, etc.

I would venture to guess this is just like when Fox was flipping out over how many days President Obama has golfed while in office, yet ignoring how President Bush absolutely blows him away in terms of vacation days.

Not that Sharpton shouldn’t be having his feet held to the fire.

At least once, in 2008 for black history month or something.

Bush welcomes Sharpton

It was just three years ago that Al Sharpton was calling Bush “evil.” But hey, who’s gonna turn down partying at the White House? Not The Reverend!

That’s complete nonsense, of course, as it’s a statistic that considers “not working out of the white house” as a vacation, while Bush preferred spending as much time as possible away from D.C. and worked out of his Texas ranch. Bush only took 26 vacation days to his family’s Maine oceanfront property. and golfed 24 times. Obama, in 2 fewer years, has spent 150 days on surfing vacations and around 200 days of golf. It’s not even close.

Meanwhile, Williams reporting during Katrina and the Iraq War is now also highlighting falsehoods: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/02/10/brian-williams-perhaps-misremembered-floating-dead-body-and-gangs-during-katrina-hotel-manager-says/?tid=hp_mm

Man, I feel vaguely filthy just visiting that page. Michelle Malkin manages to pack a lot of ugly in just a few words. Using the racism issue for political gain is worse than race-motivated death threats!


That kind of confirms what he said.

But the numbers say more about how many days the presidents spent away from the White House than they do about how much time the presidents spent not working.

It basically comes down to how you are defining something as vacation.
For Bush, I think that it’s pretty accepted that he did do quite a lot of work from his ranch in Texas. However, days where a president is playing golf are less likely to really be able to be considered working. Although I would think that maybe some would, if golfing with foreign dignitaries, etc. I seem to recall at least some of Obama’s golfing being with foreign leaders.

You also have to figure that most people (especally someone ostensibly as busy as a President) don’t spend an entire day golfing. I may be old, but I can get through 18 holes in decent time and I don’t have the Secret Service clearing the players out ahead of me.

You’re right. It was the first hit that I found. I’ll be more careful in the future.

I like how if Obama golfs that’s considered a full day of vacation, but we’ll just assume that every day at the Crawford ranch was a full work day.