Need for Speed Unbound - 2022 What's an A$AP Rocky?

Wrong game, but a customer brought this decal in the other day to have put on his car:

How’s the business doing - this was the one you were starting with your son?

Yeah, that’s the one. The second location is opening this week, in Tacoma. Trying to run one while assisting the second getting up and running has been a challenge. The Bremerton is having a grand opening on the 19th. The first two months there were bloody awful because of personnel issues, but things have improved a lot since early June.

Anyway, this guy is a massive nfs fan. He was so excited to get this thing put on. It’s always great to make someone happy. We were reminiscing about the original most wanted, which he still plays.

Cool - hope it goes well :)

$9.79, lowest price ever.

More content coming, and a 2024 content roadmap.

Hey, it’s that price again!

Alright, I’ll get it. Love Criterion and I love seeing this kind of support.

My 7 year old has been just roaming around virtual Chicago in this game, and having a great time. No races, just roaming the open world.

I’m just stunned at the details of the world they’ve created. The lighting is just gorgeous too, both in days and nights. The little suburban towns surrounding the bit city have so much detail too.

I don’t normally slow down long enough in games like this to appreciate it, but there’s so much more detail here in a bookstore or a gas station or a suburban house where you can see through the windows than any game I’ve played before, I think. There’s certainly a lot more detail here than in GTA V, for instance.

It boggles my mind that I never would have noticed all this if the controls weren’t in a 7 year old’s hands.

Me and my son played the heck out of this game over the weekend, mostly just exploring the open world and finding bears and graffiti and jumps and billboards and such. And sometimes getting busted by the Police. It’s such a lovely game, but man, it’s super hard when you’re being chased by the police. They’re not fooling around.

And we ran into this too. Every time we go back to a safehouse, it advances time, and we ran out of time for the first qualifier, so we had to race in our little shitty car or the other Nissan Z we’d won. Either way, we didn’t really have enough money to upgrade the cars. The game is freaking hard, and you usually don’t earn money unless you come in first place.

Anyway, a lot of the difficulty is luck-based I think. Sometimes you crash and can’t really recover, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, you run a perfect race and can win or come in 3rd or something and not lose money.

It’s almost as if Criterion learned from Dark Souls that people wouldn’t mind harder difficulty in their games. And honestly, I don’t think I mind it. The truth is, they keep giving you the option to rewind time back to Friday morning, so you can perpetually just keep playing the game for that one day, Friday over and over and over again until one day you can get lucky and get past the qualifier.

You’ve noticed some races are marked as easy money on the map? If you make a point of doing those, I think you get enough cash for upgrades etc. I had to restart and do that after I got trapped on that bleak Friday.