Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

I thought Black Panther was reference to the 1970s-probably-would-be-branded-terrorists-today group, its a superhero movie and not a historic drama-ish type flick?

Panther (1995)


Black Panther (2018)

The Marvel character actually predates the Black Panther organization by a few years.

There was an all-negro WWII tank division called the Black Panthers though.

Cheers :)
So I guess both sides had Panther tanks after all.

Not only that, Marvel actually renamed the character ā€œBlack Leopardā€ for a bit because they were afraid that readers would associate Tā€™Challa with the actual Black Panthers.


Readers did not take the name change well and Marvel returned to the Black Panther name in just a few months.

Nazis cheering on murder of Penn student:

the California man accused of killing a gay and Jewish University of Pennsylvania student was an avowed neo-Nazi and a member of Atomwaffen Division, one of the countryā€™s most notorious extremist groups.

The news about the murder suspect, Samuel Woodward, spread quickly throughout the U.S., and abroad. Woodward was accused of fatally stabbing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein and burying his body in an Orange County park.

The report, it turns out, was also taken up in the secretive online chats conducted by members of Atomwaffen Division, a white supremacist group that celebrates both Hitler and Charles Manson.

ā€œI love this,ā€ one member wrote of the killing, according to copies of the online chats obtained by ProPublica. Another called Woodward a ā€œone man gay Jew wrecking crew.ā€

More soon joined in.

Side note - Woodward & Bernstein?

Back on point - but itā€™s both sides. One for being Nazis, the other for being Gay and Jewishā€¦

Yet for some reason, some people oppose calling these Neo Nazis, actual Nazis, like doing so will somehow make them the murderous monsters of the pass even though thatā€™s exactly what they are and what they will do if given the chance and freedom to do so.

This smacks of ā€œNot even bothering to hide it, anymore.ā€ That said, thus far itā€™s just a tweet.

Itā€™s worth noting that Michael Steel is the guy who, for good or ill, built up the GOP juggernaut that took control of all the state houses and both houses of congress.

I mean, the dudeā€™s plan worked.

ā€œI mean, the dudeā€™s plan worked.ā€

It is every citizenā€™s duty to go, at last, into the tanks.

Heā€™s also been telling fundamentalist Christian trump supporters theyā€™re full of crap and they can go screw themselves with their hypocrisy. They hate him now.

the fact that beā€™s black probably doesnā€™t help his case with them.

So the far-right nationalists in Austria are having trouble dodging their reputation as hateful and their ties to anti-Semitic groups, despite being part of the govt coalition now. Also, it turns out to be a problem if your party is made up substantially of graduates from right-wing fraternities which have unresolved actual Nazi history, secret rituals, and obscure drinking songs which suggest another million should have been killed in the holocaust.

ā€œBullshit excuses for $500, Alex.ā€

I was accused of homophobia because of the in-group language I used with anons when I worked with them. (ā€œAnonsā€ refers to people who identify as part of the activist collective Anonymous.) I was accused of racism for use of taboo language, mainly in a nine-year-old retweet in support of Obama. Intentions aside, it wasnā€™t a great tweet, and I was probably overemotional when I retweeted it.

I was called a Nazi because of my friendship with the infamous neo-Nazi known on the internet as weevā€”his given name is Andrew Auernheimer; he helps run the anti-Semitic website The Daily Stormer. In my pacifism, I canā€™t reject a friendship, even when a friend has taken such a horrifying path. I am not the judge of who is capable of improving as a person.

That sentence is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve read in a month, and Iā€™ve read Trump tweets.

Just cause Iā€™m friends with an arch-Neo-Nazi people said I was a Nazi.

No shit? If I went to Klan meetings, I would expect someone to mention it in a negative light.

Just because Iā€™m friends with a Libertarian, doesnā€™t make me a Libertarian
Just because Iā€™m friends with a Jew doesnā€™t make me Jewish
Just because Iā€™m friends with an Iranian doesnā€™t make me Iranian
Just because Iā€™m friends with a Nazi doesnā€™t make me a Nazi.

Thereā€™s more to this story:

NYT employee: Iā€™m keeping an eye on Slack in case there are questions, but I guess what Iā€™ll ask you is that ā€” so you alluded earlier to a lot of, sort of, sameness, you know, among the opinions, like, across the board in media previously. How do you feel like the Times is currently ā€” in your opinion section, that youā€™re running ā€” how is it differentiating itself from, say, other publications?..

ā€¦Thatā€™s particularly true of editorials, but also other pieces of opinion. And right now, if you, I mean, you know, more than 80 percent of our readers encounter one piece of opinion from The New York Times a month, and that is their only exposure to Times opinion. And if that is a piece by Charles Blow or a piece by Bret Stephens or a piece by Erik Prince, you will form your opinion of who we are based on that one encounter with that one ambassador of our content. And this isā€¦ I mean, everybody has this problem: Somehow we have to do a better job at the atomic level of the individual piece of communicating a version of what it just took me 15 minutes to explain to you guys.

So Iā€™d welcome any suggestions on how to do that.

One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just doesnā€™t belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Itā€™s the fucking Nazi.

Itā€™s not like the guy was an asshole vegan, gluten-free supremecist, or CrossFit member. Heā€™s a Nazi. If youā€™re friends with a Nazi you live with the consequences.

ā€œHaha, classic Weev talkinā€™ about murdering all the Jews again. That guy!ā€