Net Neutrality: Comcast Blocking Netflix

Lets look at this very argument as to why the right sucks right now.

Conservatives have always been about states rights. They’ve fought against Federal overreach for a very long time.

And yet here is the Federal government dictating to the states about what they can and can’t regulate. And guess what? Totally cool, guys! In this case we’re totally cool with the Feds telling states what they can do.

But don’t you dare tell us how to teach our children or offer our citizens healthcare! Or really anything else, until it’s a matter we believe in, then we’re fine with overreach, because the ends justify the means.

Sorry, take your “both sides” bullshit elsewhere. We’re way past that at this point. The right has decided that they can ignore facts and outright lie to get what they want. That deserves every bit of scorn that is heaped upon them.

So jeremybriangreen is back?

I think you’ll have a hard time making a case that I’m not arguing in good faith, or from a position of deep ideological bias.

Guys, we could do without the spittle-laced invective being thrown out when a reasonable conservative view gets shared on this forum. It’s fucking tiring. gman didn’t come out and say, “I support Trump let me tell you what I heard on the grapevine about why this is good.” Instead, they came out with a legal discussion of the of this state law. Great, let me hear it. To Timex et al arguing the other side, great, let me hear that too.

Imagine how this conversation would have gone if (a) it had been a liberal playing “devil’s advocate” or otherwise arguing the conservative legal position, or (b) the roles were reversed and Alabama passed a law saying that Obama era Net Neutrality rules didn’t apply to them. If your post would be the same, bravo. If your post would be different, then maybe you are doing exactly what you hate that happens on the right?

As for this:

We all need to work on this. In this very thread Timex and others are behaving exactly the same way with their discussions. But across the board, i.e. stusser in hardware threads, tomchick sometimes in game threads, wumpus in any thread, and well, pretty much every one of us about something… we take this position. “This is what I think and it’s right and settled.” Let’s all work on fixing it but maybe don’t go after someone’s throat for it just because they are on the conservative side?

Shit, I’m doing that same thing right now.

The stuff I was pointing out as settled was in fact settled. His interpretation of what constituted impeding interstate commerce was just incorrect. I later explained in more detail why, but on some level I wanted him to actually have to think about it, and try to explain why he thought it WAS… because in doing so, I’m pretty sure he would realize that it wasn’t.

Look, it’s an absolute fact that Deus Ex was a marvel of its time and deserves to be enshrined in any game hall of fame.

Slightly more seriously; I made a tongue in cheek comment. Gman seemed to infer it was a sign I was highly bothered, and I tried to clarify I wasn’t at all and narrowed the scope to the only thing I really took issue with and ducked out, but NOW YOU BROUGHT ME BACK IN! What follows next is on your head, arrendek!

What follows next:

Yeah, I almost didn’t bring it up and I know you weren’t “all in” on that so to speak, but it was a good opportunity to bring it up, so I’M SORRY, OK!? :P

All is forgiven, lol

I think you were a “good egg” in this discussion/argument, my man. You usually are.

But you were a good counterpoint to Dan_ and, well, I shouldn’t have said all that. Going on the internet and saying we all argue things wrong. Here I’ll start…

Pineapple on pizza is delicious. It’s a fact.

That’s true. It is delicious.

Have you ever had pineapple topped with tomato sauce and melted cheese? Neither have I. Know why?

Burn, heretic!

But I have… on a pizza. And it was delicious. It’s better with ham though because pineapple and ham go together the best. Also a fact.

The only burn will be the pizza burn on the roof of my mouth while I enjoy one of the best pizza toppings in existence. And also this burn that I just delivered to you.

Truth. Also, add ranch dressing because ranch dressing makes everything taste better.

I used to spend a lot of time in Iceland, and they have great pizza. My favorite was:

Cheese, Mushrooms, Pepperoni, Pineapple, Bl. Olives, Cream Cheese, Fresh Garlic, Oregano, Jalapeno, Pizza Sauce

I honestly can’t tell if you are serious or not. Your post would be perfect for a sarcastic response to the pineapple debate. :D

I’ll try this next time but no promises that I’ll like it.

@arrendek is clearly an intelligent man, and is of the clearly superior taste. I had pineapple and ham with barbecues sauce on pizza just last night. and it was glorious

100% serious. Well, 99%. I get it without black olives.

@gman1225 I think in another thread you posted your background and why you have a particular argumentation style. It might suit you well to repost that here, since I don’t know if the same audience read both threads. It certainly informed my own POV about how and why you make the arguments that you do.

I’m a scientist/programmer myself, and I usually decide something is “right” by trying to think of every counter argument possible for my hypothesis, and slowly crossing off alternate explanations until I decide that my primary hypothesis is probably the best answer I can generate for a given question. It strikes me that in some your style may be similar.