Netflix Friends

That would be distressing.
Remember that we can combine together to form a 500 foot tall Mega-Andrew.

You don’t want that.


Netflix queue-wrangling bookmarklet tool. It adds various shuffling and resorting options, such as by film rating, star rating (or what Netflix guesses your star rating will be), and so on.

The last four movies I watched? Let’s see, not sure which was fourth and which was fifth, so here are the last five:

Dust Devil: A good friend of mine mentioned stumbling across a recent DVD release of this movie, which had been reconstructed by the director after Miramax released a heavily edited version. My friend recalled being impressed by the movie when he was a kid. I didn’t care for it, although it is an interesting bit of South African history and mythology, interlaced with a serial killer movie. And Richard Stanley has some really nice moody set pieces.

Oscar and Lucinda: Cate Blanchett is pretty amazing, and I wanted to rewatch her first movie. Her and Ralph Feinnes are just so weird in this movie, which has a couple of cool twists at the end. I love the score, too.

Breach: I’m a big Chris Cooper fan, and I really liked the director’s last movie, Shattered Glass. This is one I meant to see in theaters and never got around to.

Secret Life of Words: I have no idea how this burbled up in my queue. It was pretty bad, but a bad movie with Sarah Polley in it is better than a bad movie without Sarah Polley in it.

Kicking and Screaming: Someone on the forum (Equis?) recommended this. It’s the recent DVD release of the first movie by the director of The Squid and the Whale, which was my favorite movie from 2005.


Wow thats a movie I haven’t thought of in ages. I really liked it when I saw it in the theater.

Neato. Interesting to see the stuff people have recommended and in their queue. I should catch up on my ratings.

Here’s my link.

My wife and I each have our own queue since we’re on the 2-out at a time plan. I wonder if her stuff will show up if someone adds me as a friend. If so, I’m so, so sorry.

Interesting. I was thinking about emailing netflix suggesting they at a shuffle function to the queue since so often I’ll end up with long strings of similar movies just because of the flow of my browsing. But it would have to be smary enough to keep film sequels and TV show discs in the proper order.

You’re rating out of five stars? Great idea. Shame it could never be done for games…

Here’s my link.

Not that I have particularly exciting taste in movies, mind.

If you like big action, horror and the occasional foray into independent films, then here is my link:

I have almost 1400 ratings.

So Netflix is telling me that Tom Chick didn’t like The Rock, but I did. It is asking me if I’d like to leave a note for him and discuss the film.

Y Tu, Tom?

Wow, have I really rated over 2000 movies? Crazy.

Speaking of Netflix, did you know you can now drag and drop movies into your queue? It’s true! And Netflix reminds me every. Single. Time. I visit my queue.

Anyone figure out how to turn that off? I see the close button, but not the “for the love of Christ, I GET IT, PLEASE STOP TELLING ME” button.

I’m not a hundred percent on this yet, but try this:

Go into your account, and uncheck the box to disable the drag and drop functionality.

Later, go back into account and recheck it to get the functionality back.

So far, it looks like that finally shut the incessant nagging “did you know?!” notification up.

That did the trick, thanks.

That’s great info, Drastic; I haven’t visited the My Account area in a while and didn’t know you could do that. As soon as they implemented drag-and-drop, the “Update Your Queue” button stopped working for me in Firefox. If drag and drop actually worked, I guess you wouldn’t need that button, but it didn’t work for me, so all I had was a broken button and no new functionality to replace it.

Turning the option off in the My Account area immediately fixed the button. Thanks!

Have you guys tried out the “Watch Now” feature? Only works in IE (bummer, but I’ll live, I just go directly to the site and visit no others).

But it is AWESOME. Streams almost instantly, full movies. Tons available. You get an hour for every dollar you pay in subscription. So for me that’s 13 hours. 6 movies, approximately. It’s like getting twice the movies on your account per month.

Kudos to Netflix for doing this. They keep increasing their competitive advantage.

Its good but I find the selection pretty thin. They do rotate titles though.

Doesn’t work on 2k. :(

So now I’m getting recommendations and invites to discuss movies from someone here, but since it’s a Real Name, I can’t match it with any of you. It’s kind of fun, like our last round of Vampire forum games. Hopefully, I don’t get Rimboed this time.

I love the feature. I hope they increase their library of available titles and in a hurry.