Neuroshima Hex - Qt3 league

ok challenges sent to jay and soon:

24 SD (NY) Vs. Jay (Steel Police)
28 SD (Smart) Vs. Soon (Steel Police)

Looks like prolix will be next up. You have a slot open?

Yep! Three in fact.

Challenge sent to prolix!

30 Scott Dobros (Vegas) Vs. Prolix (Jungle)

I have 6 games going so I can have 4 more. Challenge me people!


25 Scott Dobros (Smart) Vs Trung (Blue)

The notifications can’t be trusted to show you anything useful. Especially if you have multiple games. Especially if you have multiple IDs. Especially if you have multiple devices.

In the most basic case if you have one game on one ID on one device I think if you manage it carefully by hand you can trust that when it tells you it’s your turn then it probably is. You’ll probably have to clear that notification by hand to get another one and just because you didn’t get one doesn’t mean it’s not your turn. Also, the badges are never to be trusted. Mine just permanently says 1 whether I have 0 or 10 games going across my 2 IDs. And that’s only on the pad. The phone always says 0.


Hope someone with some juice reads my previous post then…

prolix: forgive me for just lamely inviting you to the AT game. So tedious typing in game names.

AT > Vesper as Smart vs Green. And so I then joined your game, opkopk.


prolix will have to wait for a different matchup with me then.

How could I turn down a game where the team colors are represented by little candy hearts!

Feel free to send a challenge. I have an open slot.

Vesper defeats Prolix

Good game, Vesper. Weird one, because Vegas games are not usually slugfests.

Also, unprolix (Outpost) over jaygittings (Steel Police) 12-10 on the very last turn. Very even all the way through.

It is weird. I have the two profiles, but they wouldn’t let me accept the invites (I had 5 on my one device). Do I have to accept them on the other device in order to play or is 5 your limit regardless of profiles?

And yeah, that was a good game prolix…I thought I had you at one point, but with your last breath, you stabbed at me…

You can have 5 games active per profile.

I have five on my opkopk and 3-4 on my funzie:opkopk. Whichever device I’m on I have to logout of one profile to check the other set of games. This is a fun and efficient user-experience and I praise it every time I’m forced to do it!

I was able to use Vegas’ power defensively many times in that game, which was pretty interesting. I’d take control of a unit to both stop an attack on my HQ and shield it from another.