New game from Epic: Paragon

The game is still in development. They’re hoping to hit open beta on August 16th.

Really? Lines are getting crazy blurry with games nowadays. I saw the $60 game box for PS4 in Gamestop a few weeks ago while burning some time at lunch. I even said something to the clerk like, “weren’t they just in closed beta with ‘alpha content’ for textures?”, but was told that it was the full launch. Granted, I am inviting all kinds of snark about Gamestop employees, but even so that is a seriously confusing retail packaging message to send to consumers if they are “hoping to go open beta on August 16th.”

They used to have a “coming soon” section, either on a standee or sometimes in each section (generally far left) sometimes these would have prices on them. Could that be what you saw?

I think it’s even muddier on the PS4 since they don’t have an early access program like the PC and XBox do.

There’s still some pretty fundamental gameplay changes taking place from patch to patch, so if it’s release you’re potentially interested in I would hold off.

I really don’t think so. From what Kevin is saying, it must be a ‘$60 buy into beta with FtP currency included’ type purchase. However to a fairly informed gamer it looked like the real deal rather than a paid beta. So I imagine Joe consumer, grandma, and even store clerks appearantly would be fooled. They even had a video in rotation on their store monitor hyping it in a NOT coming soon, but here now type way.

Anyway. What is the state of the game? My Plus has lapsed, but a friend reported lag or netcode issues on PS4. I was really considering renweing my plus to check it out with said friend (and regain my Plus backlog).

Tried it out on PS4.

Outside of the loading times and UI issues…I wonder why it exists…

The main hangup I have with MOBAs is their shitty RTS-derived control scheme, which I think is pretty clunky and awkward. You’re forced to use a scheme designed for controlling dozens or hundreds of units yet you only have one. It’s an obnoxious (to me) legacy of DOTA originally being an RTS mod.

For me, that’s why I’m glad it exists, it has a control scheme that fits the genre better. It also allows them to try to crack into the console space, where RTS controls don’t carry over well (I’m still waiting on a twin stick MOBA!).

The genre is flooded right now so I’m not saying it’s going to be a success, but for me that’s the answer to your rhetorical question. :)

Smite is already doing it. I think Epic is wasting money on this game. When it finally actually becomes a retail product(seems like it’s been beta for years) I bet it just fades away quickly like Battleborn did.

Paragon looks so crappy and drab with the uninspired character design. Like if the people who made Vanguard made a MOBA.

Never played a MOBA before but I’m really liking this. The card system is great and it’s got enough 3rd person action game DNA to keep combat fun for me. I’d definitely suggest it for anyone MOBA curious who prefers console action style games.

Paragon is getting a huge update tomorrow (December 6th). Actually, I am not sure if it is an update or if it is a total, from the ground up, reforging built around pacing, kinetics, and meta options. In short, they were not happy with the game play forced by their previous map (size, travel mode, etc) so they started over from scratch with the lessons they learned. While they were at it, they have jumbled up just about every game system, hero, and card mechanic in the game.

The short list is that skills have extremely short cooldowns now which a focus on fast and lethal combat. Cooldowns are so short, that CDR is all but gone from the game. They are going with a DOTA style last hit mechanic (previously a hybrid). They are really pushing MOBA conventions with jungle buffs, creeps, and denial while also inserting game mechanics to control how and when to give xp to a carry or trickle global xp to help the support. There are some interesting ideas in play.

If you want to read the patch…um thesis, it is here:

That said, I expect a LOT of chaos and the resulting balancing to take place of the next X amount of time. There is virtually nothing left untouched in this update and that probably means there is some broken to be found by players. As a Paragon fan, I am both excited and afraid of all that is going to change. It should both play a lot more like a traditional MOBA and also push some boundaries.

When I tried it in alpha, it seemed slow and plodding to me. Like, Smite was faster in combat and games where shorter.

So I think a change like this will be good, once they balance it out properly.

Whew! 207 days since the last post in this topic.

Paragon is getting a big revamp in the v.42 update.

Final Monolith art update
Iggy Rework
Entirely new itemization (Card System rework)
Rebalanced in-game economy
Full gameplay rebalance (based on card and economy changes)
New Mastery system
Our next ranged carry
And more!

But is anyone playing?

I… I… I had no idea this game existed. It was listed in a comparison of Gigantic:

Gigantic is now entering a brutally competitive genre. Overwatch, Battleborn, Paragon, Paladins, Smite

  • Ok everyone knows what Overwatch is, right? And although Battleborn kinda lost, everyone knows about that too?

  • Smite was one of the first (lol) first person MOBAs out there?

I had to look up Paladins. Apparently Paladins is a relatively new game from the Smite team and is a kinda-sorta Overwatch clone with some tweaks?

… and Paragon is this thing that I think I have literally never heard of which is crazy nuts.

Paladins is by all accounts doing VERY well, both on consoles and PC. Its currently the 14th most played game on Steam, with a peak of 35.000 players.

It seems like that recent redesign / rearchitecture really worked, I’ve seen several references to it as a turning point for this game.

I dislike the character designs of Paragon so much , I won’t even install it for free. :p

I did notice there are a few Sarah Palin-esq characters to choose from in what looks like tight shorts and or combat panties. So perhaps this should come up for vote on Request Wednesdays. And maybe @tomchick will give it a try. ;)