New GTA4 Trailer

This is the second time you’ve mentioned that the latest GTA games have a lot of black people in them (and about how you really don’t like that). Am I just being touchy or does this seem a little racist to anyone else?

Ah, you hate fun.

Damn. What games do you like?

I don’t really care if you’re actually a stupid racist or are just trying too hard to mock the people in this thread who complained about the gangster storylines in these games… either way it’s you spouting racist-sounding garbage that makes the rest of the board hope you get banned.

There was a link to the GTA4 box art on Kotaku recently and it still uses the same style. I’m sure that if they ever entertained ideas of going that route in-game, the vocal (and completely asinine) negative reaction to Wind Waker’s visuals has probably scared them off forever.

He’s from Caltrops, so he’s indulging in some of that Oscar Wilde-like wit that site is so famous for.

New this year-ish? Bioshock, Mass Effect, Orange Box (yes, even Portal), Puzzle Quest, LotRO, probably a few others I’m forgetting.

That was Peter Fonda. James Woods tells you to steal the Sea Harrier.

See, it was when I got the hobby shop that I started loving the game.

I could see how that could get annoying. It just made me empathize with my character. Heh.

The facial stuff doesn’t look nearly as good as it could. It looks like they are recycling the same animation techniques from the previous games, which works well enough. I think the dissonance comes from the extra detail with the stiff limb wavy or exaggerated movements.

That’s when I stopped playing it.

GTA games always feel very open and free and then you get to that one mission you can’t beat and that’s pretty much it. Maybe I just suck at games (it could very well be true) but in the past two GTA games I’ve gotten to a mission where I just couldn’t beat the damn thing and eventually said fuckit.

I noticed a significant drop in the quality of the character models and animation in this latest trailor as well. Check out the following link and notice how much better the proportions or the characters, skin texture and animation is in the trailor 1 and trailor 2:

I dont know if thats because trailor 1 and 2 are pure cgi cutscene and and 3 is ingame engine and gameplay footage, or because rockstar had to cut some quality because of resource requirements, or if they are from different platforms (or if Im just imagining the difference).

The animation and models look about the same to me across all three trailers and they all look like they are in-engine and not pre-rendered, but the lighting quality and texture resolutions seem to have dropped significantly between trailer 1 & 2.

To be fair to Rockstar, we’ve been kind of spoiled by games with small environments like Gears of War and there is no way to get that kind of visual detail within a game like GTA4. The game looks good enough and I’m guaranteed to buy it, but despite being well aware of the sacrifices they have to make for such an open ended engine, there is something about the character models and animation that give them what I think of as a “PS2 look”.

The hobby shop was totally optional.

The thing I don’t like about GTA games, and it’s been getting worse, is the feeling that you’ve got this huge go-anywhere-do-anything world and then you do a mission and it’s about as open as a Super Mario level. The missions just don’t feel integrated into the game world, don’t make sense (collect flags for me and I’ll, like, give you my business or something), and are often really annoying and have to be done multiple times.

All the other stuff like driving a cab or semi truck or pimping ho’s is fun, but Rockstar seems to put more and more emphasis on the story missions and less on the open-endedness. Which is the exact opposite of what I want them to do.

It would also be nice if they could come up with an idea other than being a gangster. Changing the city or the race of the protagonist really isn’t enough. Ultimately, I want a game that’s open enough that I get to decide whether I’m going to be an amoral asshole or not. A game where you can choose to beat people to death with a bat is a lot more interesting to me than one where you have to.


I’m not sure what I was expecting, exactly. I guess the initial teaser made it look so good an realistic . . .

I honestly think Saint’s Row looks like it has better graphics than this. This looks like San Andreas from top to bottom, with better textures.

You’re on crack.

The graphics look great, I don’t know what some of you guys are on. I couldn’t tell a difference between the quality between trailers 2 and 3 in HD, but trailer 1 I think has a “cherry-picked” feel about it; it’s not a drop in quality, it’s that they picked the absolute most favorable shots for that initial trailer.

I think ElGuapo is forgetting just how bad SA looked. This looks way better, although I’m still not blown away. The crappy Statue of Liberty is a strange thing to open with.

You mean San Andreas? You’re right, that was crappy looking. This looks the exactly same in animation, voice acting (which is a good thing), storyline, mission structure, etc. Just better textures.

I was saying Saint’s Row looks better. Hard to tell without playing it I guess.

I’ll still buy it, because I think it will be awesome and immersive. I guess I was just expecting some revolutionary change instead of just the same game with slightly better graphics.

I blame the Phillip Glass soundtrack trailer.