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I love Miss Manners. I’ve even read her books. Was she horribly mannerly? Were you self conscious? We need details!

Welcome to Qt3, $newuser.handle !


I was thinking of introducing myself, but I’m not sure I want to make a gay sandwich…

(all my sandwiches are sad)

Mine are peanut butter and jelly, or grilled cheese.

Tuna on rye toast with bacon and lettuce.

[inscrutable gif about lettuce]


Yes, was she the good or bad embodiment of manners? Did she mercilessly berate your lack of perfection or did she gently correct your missteps with compassion and understanding?

Or did she mind her own business and silently judge you, and if so was it apparent or not? Oh my, so many questions.

I don’t think I’ve heard of her. Is she like Dear Abby?

I guess? I am unsure I am not conflating the two myself.

More importantly, does she look like Sarah Palin? Well, @tomchick?

Judith Martin looks nothing like Sarah Palin. I knew her daughter in college and had dinner with her family once. Based on that dinner, I’d have never guessed that Judith Martin wrote a column about manners. She was actually very down-to-earth and, I seem to recall, slightly raucous.


I like that. The way that Julia Child also had a kind of wild side.

So she didn’t mind if you farted during dinner?

It’s fine as long as you blame it on the dog.

I usually blame it on the elephant under my chair. As my father did, and his father before him.


That’s great DD, but I don’t think a spatula will fit in there!

Where do you go if you want to buy name brand spatulas at a fraction of retail cost?

Are you looking to buy in bulk?