New music from the year 2021

Carissa Johnson finally seems to have somewhat of a hit if Youtube views are to be trusted, still not millions but 170k in a couple of days when her other biggest song only has 30k lifetime seems like a big step forward.

For the more rock inclined (who don’t mind a little rap in the middle)

Wish it included info on the performative dancer.

This single from an upcoming new Broods album released last month apparently and I didn’t notice:

Broods is the soundtrack to many of my jogs, and this song is perfect. Really looking forward to the new album.

New James Blake:

There was a new Tears for Fears track released too apparently

I love this song too. Her snarly “leave me alone” is what reminded me of Smoko by The Chats which I put in the freaking share thread a couple months back.

This is fun!

It sure is. If you guys keep posting it, I’ll keep watching it! :)

I love her reaction when the audience starts calling out WHAT.


I’ve heard plenty of bands say what a great/weird moment it is when audiences start singing along with your lyrics. But “excuse me/what?” is a particularly hilarious call and response.

I had forgotten until my daughter reminded me that “would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin” is a Mean Girls reference.

Currently hitting the spot…

Holy packed release day! I just browsed my spotify Release Radar and found new albums from:

My Morning Jacket
Helado Negro
Lana Del Rey
Guided by Voices
Hand Habits
Parquet Courts
Nada Surf

Plus a rarity collection from Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds.

I’ve been listening to some of the new Parquet Courts singles over the last month, will check out the new album today :)

I’ve given the Parquet Courts record about 4 listens, and it’s a crazy record for me.

There are about half of the songs on that record that just are FANTASTIC. And then there are the other half, which are so annoying that I cannot listen to them any more. Like, I give them credit for that! It’s been a while since songs on a record by a band I like have grabbed me by the collar and slammed me up against a wall and yelled into my recoiling face “HERE ARE THINGS YOU HATE, AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE YOU GODDAMN LISTEN TO IT!”

Per a pitchfork article, it was a bunch of jams from before the pandemic that they then developed into songs decided to put into an album. I can hear it as some of the tracks really meander, which was alright for my drive this morning.

Aaron and the Lord, Aaron Perrino, of the underrated Shelia Divine, has new project also featuring guest vocals from Tanya Donelly of Throwing Muses, Breeders, and Belly


EDIT: I am reminded that someone mentioned in the story as a victim has daughters who are very computer astute and let’s be careful please. They may not know. I’ve edited to remove a specific identifying name.

Oh, come on. Leave the women alone, FFS.

Yoww, that’s not good. For some reason, I never got into The Posies (though I remember their connection to Big Star.) I guess I can stop feeling bad about it.

Those two albums in the early 90s are really excellent: Dear 23 and Frosting On the Beater.

The stuff that came after that is pretty hit-or-miss, IMO.

Loved the debut album, too. But yikes.

God I love them.