Nintendo finally reveals the Switch console

Sigh. I don’t care for 2d platformers, but watching some videos, Monster Boy looks kind of amazing…maybe I need to buy it…

You can also spend quite a bit of time trying to complete some of the later objectives, long after the main story is done. I spent 7-8 hours playing it last week on flights, and I was already finished with the campaign.

What is wrong with you people. Diablo and 2D platformers defintely count as action games. When someone says recommend me non action games you have to name boring old man games that are probably turn based or where you farm vegetables or something. Anyone could have just said Bloodstained or Dark Souls. You’re not earning any points by knowing Wonder Boy is good you hipster nerds.

To be fair, the person that made the request is the one that mentioned Diablo (as I noted in the reply), so who knows what “non-action games” means.

You know what I apologise. Lets drop my ill conceived action game disclaimer. I am not sure what I was thinking. Again my apologies for the confusion.

All these game suggestions are great! Cheers!

No apology necessary. Just trying to give suggestions you will find useful.

I did thank you!

Worth noting that civ 6 is available on mobile as well for likely cheaper than the switch version.

Now that’s an endorsement, lol. I know that for me, a lot of games don’t work so well when flying. For instance, LUMINES was mentioned above. I picked it up recently and I loved it on psp, but it’s not something I would play for hours on a plane.

Reminds me season 16 starts tomorrow! Now which class to play?

Yeah, you’re the jerk who gets the blame/credit for piquing my interest in Monster Boy. I wouldn’t have given the silly-looking thing a second thought if it wasn’t for your post. And now you’re about to get hardcore wargamer/strategyman @MikeOberly to buy it. I bet you’re mighty pleased with yourself.

He started it by listing Diablo as one of his options! In his defense, he’s British, so it might be some sort of metric system thing.


Man, all this activity in this thread made me think Slay the Spire had been released. Or maybe even… FTL.



Dude, it looks like you’re going through withdrawal?

Zelda BotW is the best game on Switch, and probably the best video game, period. If you haven’t played it, get that, it will occupy you the entire flight and return trip and then some.

I won’t even argue with that, but I understand if some people don’t like it. It’s a game about escapism and looking around, with very little power fantasy hooks (basically you unlock everything in the tutorial part of the game).

What an incredible game. I love it so much. Whenever I think of something that might break the immersion, nope, they thought about it and took care of it.

If you like open-world games, sure.

Pokemon was fun.

Have you looked at Octopath? Fun retro RPG, got lots of love here.

I hate open-world games, so I guess I need a gaming therapist.

I loathe open world games, and I love BotW