Nintendo Switch

With a trip coming up with lots of portable Switch time, I bit on Roguebook. I didn’t play it on PC, and I’m enjoying it a lot so far.

For anyone else curious, the Switch performance is fine but noticeably laggy. There’s a 20-30 second initial load into a run, maybe 5 second load to get into a battle, and frequently a bit of a delay between selecting a card and having the effect play out. Nothing that takes me out of the experience, but not as seamless as Monster Train or STS. But the map exploration means I’m not really speeding through runs, anyway. It’s a slower sort of game.

The controls are fine. I wished that the directional pad wasn’t mapped to deck viewing options in battle as I prefer it to the analog stick for card battlers, but that’s a tiny complaint. Overall, this is a fine port and I’m glad I’ll have access to it on the go.