Nintendo Switch

Speaking of eshop, that thing is still a discoverability nightmare. Crazy that the company that brought you the Wii and Wii U eshop (along with their phat beetz) gave us this mess to tool around with for 3 years.

I think this was mentioned in this thread before, but as a reminder Deku deals is really good to help find worthwhile discounts on the eShop:

Iā€™m playing Mortal Kombat 11.

Silly, crazy story, quite fun. The fighting is good too. Loads to learn and it is really highlighting how my fingers are slightly too big for the switch to get the very precise input done.

You can get Cuphead digitally from Target for $9:

I bought a large memory card for the Switch and went almost all digital. Itā€™s WAAAAAAAY more convenient. You canā€™t resell the games, of course, but the easy of ā€œpick up and playā€ is far higher. Given the way my kids manage (or not) their possessions, I know weā€™d lose carts left and right.

As someone who buys carts for all the big releases (Iā€™m not much for the Limited Run stuffā€¦ Iā€™ll just go digital with those), I think you can feel comfortable buying digitally. The Wii U eShop is still going strong despite the ā€œfailureā€ of that system with the mainstream. Thatā€™s seven years now. I imagine theyā€™ll let that go for ten. The Switch is very successful, so I expect that to last at least as long if not longer.

Consider also that for something like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, if the store does go away, there are already millions of copies of the game out there on cartridge. You could easily snag a used one later for less than the digital one you bought today if you just HAD to play MK8D in a world where thereā€™s probably a Mario Kart 9 or 10.

Also, unless youā€™re super careless with your hardware, I donā€™t think you should be so concerned about breaking the screen or the Switch. The batteries are glued in but apparently can be replaced, and Nintendo is really good about repairing/replacing consumer devices.

If youā€™re in a multi-Switch situation, the eShop policies are reasonable, but not great* (see upthread for detail). If youā€™re sharing games with somebody else in the same household, Iā€™d definitely prefer physical.

* Can by played by the ownerā€™s account on any switch (online), or by anybody on the primary Switch (online / offline), only 1 Switch can be playing at any given time.

Sadly, looks like this deal is over, as itā€™s now priced at $19.99 for me.

Yeah, bummerā€¦ It definitely was $9 when I looked at it earlier.

100% agreed, I had a coworker mention the deal to me this morning (I just wanted to ensure others knew it didnā€™t appear to be active any longer.)

Iā€™ve had two twenty minute sessions with Ring Fit Adventure so far, and Iā€™m pleasantly surprised at how much of a workout it seems to beā€“at least for me, someone not in tiptop physical shape. I have it on the default (2nd out of 4) difficulty, and definitely ā€œworkout soreā€ the following day. The actual game part would be of no interest at all on its own, but I think itā€™s more than enough to provide guidance, incentive, and feedback for the exercises.

Very happy with it so far, and Iā€™m looking forward to firing it up again soon.

Civ 6 and itā€™s DLC are on sale. Can anyone advise how it plays on the Switch?

I got this son Friday and tried it out today. Went through the initial setup and conquered world one. My heart rate definitely got up there! My chest strap monitor had me in the 130s and 140s after some of the tougher parts. I also couldnā€™t squeeze the ring as well as time went on for the overhead presses. I think this will be a good way to add variety to my exercise and hopefully my son will do some too.

I also ate like, 7 home made chocolate chip cookies and my son makes them fairly big.

Just picked up Dragon Quest Builders 2. Wish me luck!

Iā€™ve been out of the country but whatā€™s everyone elseā€™s excuse for leaving Scott hanging like this!?

Good luck!

LOL, thanks!

I have put some time into it - itā€™s neat, but it may not be for me. I found myself getting bored/frustrated on the second island (still feels like Iā€™m in a tutorial, so very early in) when I was asked to build a house (just a large room with two-block high walls, a door, and some furniture). I crafted my materials and spend some time making a decent little house - it was agony for me. Trying to line up where to put the blocks, drop the blocks, mis-place where I wanted the damned block to go, pick the block up, re-aim and try it again. Maybe with a mouse this would be a little less frustrating.

I got it built and the guy goes, ā€œWell, we got a lot of other folks on this island, they want houses, too!ā€ and I was just likeā€¦ oh, right, this was around the first major/real ā€œthingā€ I had to build and Iā€™m annoyed already. I have dozens of hours of building ā€œstuffā€ ahead of me, presumably ā€¦ so Iā€™m just not sure. I like some of it, the way it looks/feels to walk around, the characters are charming and fun, it has that Dragon Quest feel to it, I enjoy fighting enemies, gaining XP, hopefully I can craft better gear at some point and have other characters with me to help fight. Stuff like that. Iā€™m going to make some progress while I travel next week, I hope, so weā€™ll see.

I would have probably not come to this hurdle if anyone had wished me luck, you monsters. Thanks @WhollySchmidt, maybe now Iā€™ll start to get somewhere!

EDIT: Hm. Maybe there is something to that after all, joking aside. This post reminded me I hadnā€™t played it since Friday so I fired it up and the very mission I was on was a blast! I got to explore an old tower, crafted a new weapon (a Stone Sword), found a third party member, and we cleared out a bunch of enemies and I hit level 3 and had an overall really good time. Well, Iā€™ll pack it along and keep at it!

a federal court in Dallas ruled that a patent asserted against Nintendoā€™s Wii Remote was not valid. The court concluded that iLife Technologies Inc. was impermissibly trying to cover the broad concept of using motion sensors to detect motion. The ruling nullifies a $10.1 million jury award against Nintendo from 2017.

So since I seem to like things that Scott doesnā€™t (not always, just joking) and he didnā€™t seem to be impressed to start out with, I tried the Steam demo. Holy crap DQB2 is awesome. Bought it, canā€™t stop playing it, send help, etc etc. Sadly this is the Switch thread but Iā€™m a Steam rebel on this one.

LOL - I really did think youā€™d get a kick out of this one! I am digging it myself, but I didnā€™t have time to play much last night, tonight I played Prey and watched a movie, and will probably play some more Prey here in a sec, but Iā€™ll dive back in tomorrow before work.