No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

It’s always a bummer when new game releases or big updates are scheduled for Tuesdays. All this talk of NEXT makes me really want to dive in this weekend… but I gotta wait until the start of next work week. Boo!

Wow, there was a lot of detail between those two articles. Thanks for posting those!

I’m super hyped now. Just the graphics and planetary generation changes alone sound amazing. Plus new resources and a bunch of new things to gather and build. The changes to freighters and bases sound awesome, and sending your frigate fleets out on missions to bring you back stuff…cool.

Multiplayer is the thing though. It sounds like people who want to play together can communicate in game, then join a “party” like in any MMOG, linking them together no matter how far apart they are initially. It also sounds in the one article as if you have the option to instantly teleport to the party leaders location on joining, so that would make it very easy to play together.

Have to brag but I just came across an S-Class Exotic and made it my own. I’m giving up a lot of spaceship storage but oh my GOD it’s amazing to fly and fight with! Exotics have +40% to +60% bonuses to damage, shields and warp ability.

I usually enjoy fiddling around when there are new updates, and this sounds like a doozy.

My youngest daughter is now also super excited about it after I showed her the trailer. Tuesday should be entertaining.

No. But sometimes updates change things about planets so your bases get kind of screwed up.

Nice! The only S-Class ship I’ve even seen so far in game was one of those squid looking ones ina space station. I talked to the pilot and he wanted some ungodly amount for it, like 32mil units or something.


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I really loved Waypoint’s interview with Murray:

What an incredible story of turning around a rough launch. I can’t wait to get back into the game once Next launches.

Let’s not forget perhaps the biggest and most ground-breaking change… drag and drop inventory items! ;)

Yeah, but that’s okay, because I can fix that. I just read that the ‘Next’ update is compatible with all previous save games so that’s great news.

They are sweet ships, aren’t they? I was able to get mine by camping out at an outpost on my homeword where I once saw one land. After what seemed like forever, it finally landed again and I bought it as my second ship. I was shocked at how much better it handles than my cargo ship.

plus some screens of character creator:

Sean Murray’s apology on the ARG stream today.

Damn RNG gods get me again. Toxic planet start. Why can’t I just once get a nice tropical island planet or something, instead of one that is either trying to freeze, bake, poison, or irradiate me.

This guy has been posting videos of NEXT. Makes me very excited! And this is on an original Xbox One

Is there a height limit for the stuff you can build when doing the “minecraft” stuff? Could I, like, build a space elevator?

As for multiplayer, I keep seeing them talk about playing with friends, but besides those games is everybody else in the same persistent universe? Will I be able to explore planets claimed by other poeple, or see other player ships?

I’ve watched a few videos about the game, but so much has changed since its original release I can’t tell what limitations are still in the game or not.

It would be cool if you could see stars from the surface, and leave clues behind for players to follow constellations, star maps, monoliths, or other clues to secret placed treasure caches I leave behind on distant planets etc, like geocaching.

I skimmed through a few of those before bed last night and wow. The level of polish they’ve managed to add is actually kind of ridiculous.

The animations in particular are very impressive, but the total package even at a glance in motion is just a much larger improvement than I expected.

From what I’ve read they improved the start of the game again. So I guess I’ll jump in from the start again when NEXT gets released.

Yeah Im starting over next week, looking forward to it.

I reinstalled on my ps4, and they have definitely made significant improvements.

One make thing they finally added is the ability to reset quests, which is what made me drop it last time since one of the main storyline quests got bugged.

One thing I’m still not sure about:

You can definitely have parties of 4 players… But will you encounter other players who aren’t in your party? Because that’s what would make things much more interesting, and allow for creation of player based emergent gameplay.