No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Ask and ye shall receive. Not long after I said I wanted one with a little more inventory space, I found an Exotic Explorer with a four additional slots and better stats.

Old one: 15 slots, +36% Damage, +59% Shield, +51% Hyperdrive
New one 19 slots, +46% Damage, +55% Shield, +61% Hyperdrive

Interesting - I saw an exotic that kept landing at a certain space station - I waited until it had more than 15 slots - one arrived that had 20 - so I grabbed it for 12 million units.

It has roughly the same stats as yours - 47% damage 59% shield and 59% Hyperdrive - though I don’t have nearly as much units as you have hehe - only currently 62 million to your 310 million - though I do have 6000 nanites (haven’t bought that many modules).

Also I haven’t gotten around to augmenting it with modules yet (still don’t have enough inventory space).

Very nice! looks like yours might be blue like my first one was. 20 is the max number of slots for an exotic, I think, so that could be a real prize.

Base uploading is definitely borked since 1.60. Existing bases that have already been uploaded are fine, but new bases can’t be uploaded until this gets fixed. Grr.

The other thing I’ve noticed with 1.60 is that the icon for the last thing you dug up (say a cargo pod or a buried tech mod) remains after you’ve emptied it.

Geks now make Vy’keen sounds.

Yeah, I noticed that at a Gek space station, the background vocalizations were rather beastly-sounding.

Wasn’t that supposed to be fixed by 1.60?

I wanted to begin participating in community events, so I resumed the Artemis quest. The only other big quest was the Atlas quest. Spoilery questions ahead.


I’m on The Purge mission now, and after I make 16 jumps I’ll have the choice to either end the galaxy and start a new one, or basically abandon the mission. Starting a new galaxy means, I believe, a near total reset: lose your base but keep your fleet, ships and items in storage. But otherwise, the game more or less remains the same? What advantages come with doing a galaxy reset, over just ignoring those quests?

Mainly I wanted to unlock more technologies and get full portal access. I guess I don’t mind starting a new base, of it’s necessary and if there are no other big downsides.

Rumor has it that repaired ships now increase in value. I’ve just got a 38-slot hauler that needs a ton of fixing, so I’ll try to check it out.

Previously, no matter how many repairs you made on a ship, the trade-in value stayed the same.



We really need to have a way to find out what we have in our various starships. I have 4 48 space haulers. When I look for a specific mat, it’s musical captain’s chairs. Why not have a portable device that we can build that shows a list of ships and we can click to check inventory? Or a control panel on the freighter that does that? It’s annoying.

Totally agree. Something like the Frigate Terminal that can be installed either at base or on the capital ship or both.

While we’re griping about ships, I’d also like to complain about landing ships at base. It’s always a challenge to find a convenient parking spot in my own base, since landing pads are open to any and all ships. To remedy this, over the weekend I spent an hour flattening a huge area and covered it with flooring, only to find that ships can’t land on anything man-made, so I ripped up the flooring and resigned myself to ugly terrain instead. Later, I found that some of the terrain manipulation I had done would revert from time to time, leaving horribly ugly gaps in the ground. Ugh.

I’d like to see a flight deck building part, or a way to lock a specific landing pad down to your own ships.

On this week’s episode of Space Truckin’:

Is it just me, or do Haulers without wings look like Space Garbage Trucks?
“Oh crap, is it Thursday morning? I forgot to put out the cans!”

Warped into a new system and discovered…this…
Ensign : “Captain…what is that?”
Captain : “Ensign…that…is Yuranus Prime”
Ensign : “Sir, what’s happening with those rings?”
Captain : “Son, you really do not want to know…”

As if giant space booty wasn’t enough fun for one star trek…I found a Glowing Baller Hauler as well.

So I finally managed to locate a Monolith, which allowed me to locate a Portal, which allowed me to try out an address I had learned from Reddit…and last night I reached the outer fringe of the Galactic Hub.

Obviously, a few people had preceded me in my journey…

It was fun reading all the messages left by fellow travelers. I was surprised to see my ship safe and sound near the portal as well, I had thought they did not travel through with you. However, my delight became dismay as I quickly realized that my ship was unable to access the Galactic Map, and the Space Station in orbit was an abandoned one (very creepy, and using the old model with just small rooms on either side of the landing bay). The Trading Post I located on the planet was also abandoned, so I purchased a few supplies to replenish those I lost powering the Portal, and stepped back through it.

It looks like I’m going to need to either find a different address to try or somehow defeat the “Galactic Map Unavailable Due to Portal Interference” limitation by gaming the system. I saw a whole bunch of bases all over the place, so I’m guessing if I build a base on the new planet, then return through the portal, I can then use any space station gate to travel to my new base and my ship will follow, unhindered. I may try that tonight, or just use a different portal address and see what happens.

I just got an appearance changer blueprint from the computer at my base. I put it in a new room in my base. It’s the same thing as on the space station. Is this normal?


I’ve hit a snag that is so frustrating I may be quitting the game entirely.

I’ve now spent over two hours of my time trying to figure out how to successfully use a Portal to travel to another part of the galaxy. I have legitimate Portal addresses, and I plug them in. The portal opens and I walk through. On the other side I can do stuff, including buy/sell, interact with NPCs, gather resources, etc…

What I can’t do is:

  • Access the Galactic Map
  • Summon my Freighter
  • Use the portal gate on a space station
  • Build a Base Computer

Which all basically means I am trapped in the system on the other side of the Portal. I can’t warp to another system (no map), I can’t activate the teleport on the space station to jump somewhere else, and I can’t build a simple base to install my own teleport gate or use as a reference point to recall to from other teleport gates.

My only option after exploring the system on the other side of the Portal is to step back through the Portal and return to the original system. I can’t do ANYTHING on the new system side of the Portal to allow me to return there without stepping back through the Portal, which once again breaks all the above.

This makes Portals essentially useless, which means my game is done. The only thing I want to do at this point is reach the center, with stops at a few cool systems in the Galactic Hub along the way. If I can’t effectively travel to new systems via Portal, that means I have to jump there…which means dozens, possibly 100+ jumps…over hours and hours of play time. That is not happening, and if this is Hello Games intention, then it is a very stupid decision and will kill the enjoyment of this game for anyone who reaches this point.

Looking online, the only solution I’ve found that still works post-NEXT is to manually edit your save file. Yeah, no thank you. Why even have Portals if they are so useless?

Wow, that sounds frustrating. Are you absolutely sure you can’t drop a base computer down somewhere?

I landed in a new galaxy, after (spoilers), which required starting over with a new base. Having teleporter issues, where I can warp to any base that I set up, but can’t warp into any stations. Tried warping to a few different systems, but that didn’t seem to fix it. May need to warp to a few more.

Pretty happy with the new base layout so far, though.