No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

When did they update the combat, supposedly?

The space combat really needs (game engine permitting) an overhaul whereby the enemies would have to observe the same “fighter planes, but in space” rules the player does, i.e. the faster you’re moving the wider your turn radius etc. They would still have the advantage of numbers.

February '22 for the Sentinel Update

April '22 for the Outlaw Update:

Repairing the ship wasn’t so bad, only had to find it then return to the base and back again.

Building the Exocraft gave a supreme engine upgrade reward, as did the reward part-way through the first journey to the ship. With both those upgrades in the ‘supercharged’ slots it didn’t take long to do at all. Maybe I was fortuitously close!

Exocraft do suck to drive though (in VR at least), I avoid them nearly as much as I do the combat. Why on earth do they only turn when you’re holding the accelerator, it’s the worst. :P

Mh, NMS implemented the “auto pursuit” button from Rebel Galaxy 2 in the combat update. With the function enabled, you simply hold down the left trigger (or whatever keyboard key it’s keyed to by default) and press fire. Your ship will keep the target in the crosshairs, making combat a lot easier.

As for the turn radius, engine upgrades are your friend, and the new solar type ships have the highest maneuverability rates among the ship classes.

As for your friendly local sentinels: You can get a module for the Minotaur (and about half a dozen upgrades through a related storyline) that gives it a combat AI. This makes fighting them a lot easier, as they now have something else to shoot at.
There’s also a cloaking module for the multitool that can be used to get rid of them, or at least give you some breathing space while running for a building or cave.
Actually fighting them now provides some upgrade materials and can be abused to farm nanites, and there’s a class of multitool (the “royal” variety) locked behind clearing them out and getting to their command node.
They also seem a lot more sparse on “normal” worlds. Places with agressive sentinels are still hellholes, but at least you can now shut them down for good (at least until the next game reload).*

*= Terms and conditions may apply. Make sure to bring enough ammo to nail all 5 waves, and keep some meat in your inventory in case you need to heal up. Lastly, opening the containers they drop will restore your shields.

On my new, non-expedition, game I just got to the anomaly. I have all the recent Twitch drops as well as the rewards from the Utopia expedition available for me, which is great, but am I going to break anything grabbing all this stuff?

I had just gotten the mission goal to install an advanced mining laser in my multi tool, for example. Now I can claim two different multi tools that I’m pretty sure already have that.

I’m not seriously worried, but am I going to rob myself of any neat discovery or progression by jumping straight to having A-class multi tools and ships at my disposal?

The only thing that could break (and has been fixed at some later point) was not getting the recipe for the hyperdrive and the hyperdrive fuel due to having switched to a ship that already had a hyperdrive installed.

Seeing that you are already beyond that point, I see no risk of breaking anything.

A-Class ships can be bought in any populated system, so the only thing you skip here is a few million units, and A-Class multitools, while a bit rarer, are not that uncommon, either.

One annoying little thing that maybe others have encountered: once in a while I start up the game before I realize that my Xbox Series Controller (connected via USB cable) is still off. If I turn it on after hitting the Play button on Steam, I can’t get the game to see it for love nor money. Any way to fix that short of quitting to desktop and restarting the game?

BTW, did I break my Utopia runthrough? When I got to the second planet and found the place the powers that be wanted me to build the base, I found I didn’t have the Chromatic Metal and Pure Ferrite required to build the base computer. So I found another base on the planet that had a teleporter and got back to my base on the first planet so I could mine a “shload” of copper and pure ferrite, ferrite dust etc. with no sentinels around to bug me. But when I flew back to the planet, I picked the expedition step expecting it to put a marker down where I’d been before, and it didn’t. There was one of those generic markers and I stopped there, and it kinda looks like where I was before but I’m not sure. Does it matter where I build the base?

Just encountered a really stupid fail condition. I couldn’t find Star Bramble anywhere near me so I had to fly out. Then I landed and realised I had no more launch fuel. But you can’t build if you’re not near Utopia Base. So now I’m stuck nowhere near copper to build another base and no more launch fuel. What a stupid restriction.

Made it yesterday. It was fine. Honestly, the only thing I really wanted was the helmet.

Yup. This milestone was the worst for me. Star Bramble and the other thing I could only find on the sides of very steep cliffs. I had to jetpack up and hit the harvest button before I dropped each time. Awful.

That situation is what I’m worried about ending up in. If you have uranium you can use that but it’s a lot harder to come by. It’s supposed to be much more efficient as a launch fuel, per that streamer Jason Plays.

I know the Exocraft kinda sucks but can you summon that and limp to some other player’s utopia base, or maybe a place with a trade terminal where you can buy uranium? Either that or get a friend on Steam or whatever to take you uranium or launch fuel, I suppose (probably easier).

I’ll see if I can summon my exocraft, and give it another shot later. The other issue is the rather meaningless and endless sentinels. They really need to re-work how sentinels work.

Sentinels do indeed suck, especially the aggressive ones. There are facilities on the planet that you can use to shutdown the sentinels. On my playthrough of the expedition, a person setup a base with a save beacon next to it to make it easy to find.

I saw that base too (or one like it) on the second planet, I think.

@Destarius, are you on a planet that has uranium to mine (assuming any of the expedition planets have that)? If so, that + the exocraft would probably be the way to go if you didn’t want to reach out to a Steam friend* who would also probably have to be mid-expedition, I’m pretty sure.

*speaking of this, question for anyone, I’m assuming multiplayer is not cross-platform or even cross-version (Steam players with GOG etc. players)?

Pretty sure it is cross platform across everything except Switch.

Wow, cool. Too bad the game doesn’t support asynchronous “dead drops” that I know of. If so someone could find a beacon someone else had left, dump some stuff there for them, and they could find it later.

Getting pretty tired of crashes on the PS5. Lost my rewards for my first attempt at a Quicksilver mission yesterday just as I was returning to the Anomaly to claim them.

I’m not running multiplayer so that’s not an option, though I do see other bases. I did a quick scan and I’m near just about nothing which is annoying to say the least. Add to that the endless sentinel buzzing, it’s puzzling why they never anticipated running out of launch fuel being a fail state.

Fail state might be a stretch, but yeah, landing in this expedition can be a very expensive and day-ruining mistake. That being said, the provided Nomad with upgrades makes getting materials fairly simple.

The closest I’ve seen to an actual launch systems fail state is landing on a tiny island in the ocean, where you’re very unlikely to be near any chromatic metal.

Well, multiplayer can be turned on and off at will, and is pretty darn customizable to only allow friends etc. If you don’t have some philosophical objection it should be doable but it’s up to you of course.

I don’t know which planet you’re on but on the second one (the one with volcanoes) at least (maybe on others?) there are these things called “metal fingers” that show up on the scanner as a little icon with three stars. I didn’t know about them but they appear in patches and some in the patch yield uranium and some gold, and lots of both. Unfortunately in my travels in this expedition I’ve only ever seen one patch though (and it was sort of near my second base anyway, heh). Anyone reading this know if they’re semi-common?

Good luck!

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t mean that last thing to sound flip. And I do agree with you that it’s totally a thing that can happen and is extremely hard if not impossible to come back from. Even summoning the exocraft can only happen if you have built it at your current planet’s base already. Also, it doesn’t have a built-in scanner so you have to dismount and scan, which is cumbersome.

EDIT the Second: Here’s a link describing the Metal ‘Fingers’ as the game calls them (I’ve read if you melee them a few times you actually get more stuff out of them than just with the beam):

Are you running on PC? Mods are an option to get a no cost launch.