Northgard - Age of Empires, Vikings only

You can right click on the villagers icon and the camera will stay put. Downside is it might select a villager that’s busy building something else…

I jumped back in and started the new Conquest mode. Boar clan.

After completing 3 missions my bonus’ are: Menders upgrades are free and both the Market and Trading Post don’t use building slot: Hmmmm, Commerce Victory for the win?

All too easy. Two more missions down. The next…oh I can do a Commerce Victory here too!

I never have to fight stuff outside of clearing living space. I summon a War Chief at most because I am already making bank and my opponents can’t come and wipe me out fast enough before I tick to 2000 with Great Trade Routes (Harbor with Lighthouse) I don’t even really need the milestone supplies they drop on me. Just money for the rich.

For me and my default play style, Boar Clan is EZ mode too!

I caught @BrianRubin playing this yesterday and it gave me the itch to play , so I did a custom game , built a nifty cauldron and won with a Wisdom victory.

Also this overgrowth was in the middle of my territory and I could not get any units to harvest wood from it, any ideas?

I loved how the AI kicked both of our asses in the conquest mode. On easy.

I don’t think I’ve seen that before.

If anyone ever wants to play a co-op game vs the AI, I’d love to try that.

Hand raised!

I played the game for several hours and I thought it was great until you get to a point where you territory is starting to grow where you can’t see things without significant scrolling.

I think this could be solved with a tactical pause for single player, but looking on their forums, this has been asked ad-nausea and they seem to be dead set against this. I thought this was strange to take this stance on what could really make this more accessible.

In the end, I stopped playing b/c no tactical pause.

Click the minimap. No scrolling needed.

ah good to know. Not sure why that didn’t occur to me back when I was playing it.

Well, I may have finally found an RTS that clicks with me! I have been playing this the past couple of weekends and am really enjoying it. I feel like I am fumbling around once I have more than a handful of areas to keep an eye on, but the game is fairly forgiving on Normal and I am just playing the Story Mode for now to get an introduction to everything. I am progressing up the learning curve slowly, but that’s okay. As an RTS n00b, I watched a few Let’s Play videos of the first two missions to get a feel for what I am generally supposed to be doing and so far I am muddling through. I need to learn a few more interface features and hotkeys to make mid/late game management smoother.

I wish you could at least pause and examine areas/buildings, even if you could not issue orders, but I understand from a gameplay perspective why the devs do not want to do that. It would take away some of the tension in SP (Winter is coming! Your people are starving/freezing!) and would not work at all in MP,.

It’s really the fact that you don’t need a lot of houses (I think I built like 2, max!) since your population cap goes up with every new territory. In conjunction with the defensive military tree where your military cap increases with every watch tower…no brainer.

They also are specialized towards Wisdom victories which means lots of easy lore upgrades.

I think I am only a few missions away from completing the story mode and am still having a good time. I’m sure I’m still making lots of mistakes and should probably study the hotkeys more closely to increase my efficiency instead of frantically whipping around the map to find that next thing I need to do.

Is the conquest mode fun or should I jump into AI skirmishes next? Should I grab all the DLCs? I doubt I will ever be up for true human multiplayer.

I tried a basic 1v1 match against the computer and lost. I made lots of mistakes, including not committing to a victory path early enough and probably choosing a path that did not suit my clan choice. It was humbling after cruising through the story mode, but I am looking forward to trying again.

Yeah I love when the AI crushes me.

I would say the DLC in this game is fairly optional. Only on a sale, and only if you’re looking for different factions/mechanics to play.

Conquest is basically a halfway house between skirmish and campaign. I’ve been enjoying conquest.

I am 0-3 in my first basic 1v1 single player skirmishes, so maybe I should switch to conquest mode and maybe switch clans. I was playing Bear, which seems good for newbies (plus hey, free bear!), but once I hit midgame I think I start making lots of reactive suboptimal decisions while the AI just churns along to whatever victory. I was primarily aiming for a military victory with Bear, but maybe you are supposed to play them more defensively and go for fame or trade instead?

I am still having fun, but my gamer ego is taking a beating. :)

No spoilers but…not all victory paths are created equal :P