Notre Dame (the cathedral, not the college) is burning.

At the risk of sounding like a complete ignoramus, can a stone building burn down completely?

Well, in a structure like that, a lot of the internal structure is actually wood, generally huge oaken beams.

In the case of a huge fire, it of course doesn’t burn away the stone, but it destroys the internal structure, and that can cause even the stone sections to collapse once the internal structure is gone.

Yes. The roof helps provide stability to the structure.

Fires in stone buildings get very, very hot and then proceed to melt all the non-stone support.

At least we live in an age where we’ve documented every square centimetre of that Cathedral with video footage, so that 1000 year old history isn’t completely lost

And the roof just collapsed. I don’t think there’s going to be much left :(

I don’t speak whatever that is - translation?

Imagine being one of the people on the restoration team. You have to be freaking out, going over your memories of the day, hoping you weren’t the one that screwed up.

It doesn’t have to be carelessness. Construction involves lots of heat. I worked in commercial property insurance for years, and sites burning down is distressingly common…refurbishments being probably the most common.


“Notre Dame is in flames. Emotion of an entire nation. Thoughts for all Catholics and all French people. Like all our countrymen, I’m sad tonight to see part of us burn.”


Was there 4 years ago, and it was incredible to see the history. The stone work was amazing for how the intricate ornamentation was used to tell a story.

I hope that the outer structure is saved, at least.

Those of us who read our Ken Follett know that cathedrals are architectural marvels that exist almost in defiance of physics. The stone walls are too heavy to reach so high. There’s too much glass to be able to support those walls even so. Everything about them has to be built almost perfectly. Every stone laid carefully, and the heavy roofs and buttresses supporting things help to keep things standing. The stone walls won’t burn…but without the stability of the now-collapsed roof, they are likely to fall as well.

Well, at least he didn’t suggest raking the roof tiles.

Thanks! I assumed it was something like that. Super sad.

Can I at least hope that, either due to the construction going on, or at least with some small warning, they could carry away some of the huge amount of priceless (historically at least) items inside?

This really is the worst timeline.

They’re hopeful that a bunch of statues that stood on the exterior and spires and walls were removed as part of the renovation project.

They’re currently trying to save relics and artwork from inside.

I’m sitting here weeping.

It has been rebuilt before, I guess. Save what they can save and rebuild it again may be the option that remains. I’m heartsick.


How the heck could this happen? This is devastating :(