NWN: Henchmen quest in chapter 3

This is an awfully specific question, but how in the heck do you finish a henchmen quest in chapter 3 of the official campaign? I must be 2 to 3K short of the necessary XP to gain a level and unlock the final chat, yet I have cleared every area and completed every quest. Where in the heck does this extra experience come from??

Bad news? Maybe. Although the old boards are all locked, you can still look through the archives. You can go to the new boards and ask someone there for a solution.

Which henchman do you need to do the quest for and did you finish their quests in Chapter 1 and 2?

To get more experience, don’t use your henchmen. You lose 20% xp for just using 1, and the penalty gets worse the larger your party.

Edit: and yeah forgot about the multi-classing penalty as well.

Wow, thats an old game. Why are you even playing games that old? Play something modern like Wii Sports Resort.

pfft, please Wii Sports Resort is so last year. Everyone’s playing Sports Champions now.

Actually I’ve replayed a few of my favorite NWN fanmade modules this year and had a lot of fun. But playing the main campaign again? Uh, no thanks…

Iirc the XP penalty Sean mentioned was introduced with one of the expansions or one of the later patches, so maybe the official campain wasn’t (re-)balanced for it.

Ah, I’m missing XP because I didn’t finish all the henchmen quests in chapter 2, as I’m using the Tony K Improved Henchmen I just kitted out Sharwyn and used her almost exclusively shortly into chapter 1.

At least the mystery is solved for me :)

I’m clearing part of the backlog.

wait, this is the first time you’ve play NWN?

The solution is to uninstall it and play a good game.

The solution is to stop playing the official campaign and play some of the user modules.

Yeah, I read the thread here warning me of the suckage and they’re mostly right, but I have a weak spot for Bioware so I’m playing through all their NWN stuff. I skipped it originally because I wasn’t overly keen on the direction they took in regards to the party, down from five bantering personalities to one AI henchmen. It’s surprising how much soul this sucks out of the game.

With the nature of Aribeth’s story I can see Star Wars was a natural progression for them. When they tell that same story again in KOTOR it makes a lot more sense in that universe.

The sense of party is completely lost in NWN. Playing a solo character isn’t the design of D&D, however, there’s plenty of good mods that feature good characters and story despite the solo gameplay. And then of course there’s the multiplayer, which is still active. Playing through the whole NWN campaign, especially the first one, is about the worst way to experience NWN.

Best to start there then, can’t go back to shit :)

It wasn’t that bad, if you approach it as a kind of surreal Diablo-ish experience. I’ll never forget “sneaking” into a bad guy’s home by carving up dozens of his guards.

Oh, some of the most fun I’ve had with NWN are solo thieving and sneaking adventures, but the OC didn’t lend itself to that often. It’s trying to pretend you are a normal D&D party. There’s great solo RPGing with NWN’s mods, so why not do that instead of obsessively completing BioWare’s most anemic campaign?

OCD, I think.

EDIT: I also like to know why, when people say something sucks, it sucks. So I’m playing it to find out why :)

I’ve run into an issue in chapter 4 where we’re in the inner sanctum and then Sharwyn suddenly says “Let’s chat a bit”, runs up to me and triggers… a standard henchmen dialogue. Does the Tony K addon break some scripted final dialogue?

EDIT: Thankfully a bit of save and reloading seems to have done the trick, or Sharwyn needs to be beyond a certain point, or it’s because automatic lock picking was breaking it…

EDIT2: And I finally finished and as a little kick in the balls the end movie decided it would be audio only, so had to go to youtube to check it out. In fact, I just found I missed out on every movie, I assumed they were only supposed to be narration!

EDIT3: Fixed it - http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=230&threadid=126205