Obamacare is the law of the land

They’re “on offense” now that the Barr letter is out.

I’m surprised they haven’t introduced a bill mandating a 50% increase in CO2 levels by 2030.

Well, it is only Tuesday.

I don’t know. Another distraction tactic, maybe? Barr gives his “summary” of the report, they win the news cycle, then quickly shift the narrative in the hopes of heading off public pressure to release the report.

Alternatively, it’s the Trump WH and they’re all a bunch of fucking idiots, so it’s probably as simple as that.

That’s trending less and less correct, and may not even be true of 33% of what demographers would describe as “working class whites” anymore.

Again, the Republicans got slaughtered, even in places where they should’ve been safe, on healthcare in 2018.

Yep, I agree completely. But I don’t know how much Trump cares about any Republican not named Trump. He’s going to cater to the stupidest, most racist part of his base no matter what. They’re his team, and they’re his future customers for whatever media organization he stands up.4

In 2020, though, it’s going to bounce back hard on him though. Especially in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Iowa, and even Ohio.

There are people who voted for him in part because he promised they’d make sure everyone had healthcare.

Judging by Trump’s comments this morning, it sounds like the GOP is going to try and release a competing plan to squelch the backlash

How many low and middle Republicans who had tax increases in 2018 will blame Democrats? The tax bill was 100% campaign contribution bait, and Republicans seem to now trust Fox and Co. to protect them from any fallout. It just seems like this time they’ve crossed this weird rubicon of doing really unpopular things, blatantly. Doing outright corruption rather than under the table envelope sort of thing.

The joke is that Trump could propose single-payer tomorrow and within six hours the MAGAheads would all be talking about how great single payer would be.

It will be a tax-advantaged health savings account. Wait and see.

What a way to kick off infrastructure week!

Couple things:

  1. Trump has no idea what Congress is doing or wants to do. He just writes stuff.
  2. If there is a plan in the works that Republicans have kept secret, it for sure won’t be anything new. They’ll just trot out the same old “buy insurance across state lines” stuff again.

If only we had some fairly recent – say, about 140 days old – way of measuring whether voters held Republicans responsible for doing that sort of thing.

That was my mangled point - generally there is the veneer of self interest. Now they seem to just be blatantly going all in and damn the consequences.

Ah, I get it.

I mean, the GOP has painted itself into such a corner on so many fronts at this point, including to their donor class.

You were saying?

# Trump Administration Dims Rule On Energy Efficient Lightbulbs

Um, I’m from this area (well, the Wisconsin/MIchigan/Iowa area). Right now, I know of literally no one who voted for him who is going to change his mind because of anything Trump has done (and likely not because of anything he will do).

These people really vote against their own interests. And often, frankly, they’re stupid. They really believe that all of those healthcare cuts are somehow making them better off, because the blacks in the inner cities aren’t mooching off the system anymore. They really are that dumb.

Your anecdote is noted.

Yeah, i don’t think you can win over Trump voters with any kind of logic.

You need to speak to animal instincts.

There are a lot of Trump voters who aren’t changing their minds in the rust belt and Midwest. Absolutely.

But his approval ratings in those states continues to slide, with things like healthcare, taxes, and income lost due to tariffs. You don’t have to convince a lot of voters to flip those states.