Obamacare is worthless


Choomgang Supernova

See, what had happened was…

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Trump actually said that and that the Dem leadership had ideas that they wanted to put in front of him, can they “amend” or change ACA without some major legislative process? Would opening up that bag cause potentially more harm than good?

What would actually be required to change ACA without blowing it up?

Hey, here’s a Democratic idea!

In response to this:


If they don’t enforce the mandate, the GOP can probably force the ACA to fail.

Some people will blama Obama for this; others will blame Trump. I dearly hope the Democrats are smart enough to take advantage of the offer he made to work with them. If they offer up some real fixes to the ACA, and those ideas are rebuffed, it becomes more difficult for the GOP to disclaim responsibility.


Go home Bill, you’re drunk.

Exclusive video of Trump executing the play.


I think probably no. Many healthcare pundits seem to feel that the imminent death of the ACA has been hyped by people with an agenda. Nevertheless, it’s pretty tough to paint the opposition when you have unified control.

I’d love to see the return of compromise. We’ll see if a stinging defeat like this prods anyone to move to the center.

It’s not a defeat! It’s the first part of the master plan to repeal and replace this monstrous law!

Why on Earth would any sane Democrat agree to work with Agent Orange?

“We couldn’t get one Democratic vote, and we were a little bit shy, very little, but it was still a little bit shy, so we pulled it,” Trump said.

“Hey, we could have done this,” he said. “But we couldn’t get one Democrat vote, not one. So that means they own Obamacare and when that explodes, they will come to us wanting to save whatever is left, and we’ll make a real deal.”

There was little evidence that either Trump or House Republicans made a serious effort to reach out to Democrats.

There are no adjectives in the English language that can do justice to just how much a piece of shit Trump is. He needs to fail, at every turn with everything.

Here’s the deal I would make: Dismiss your cabinet then resign and we’ll work with your successor.

BTW, Kansas Republicans just voted to expand Medicaid.

Refreshing, I guess.

Representative Joe Barton, TX ®

David Frum gets a chance to say “I told you so” and doesn’t pass it up.

Roy Cooper is wanting to do the same thing in NC.

Honest question: When Trump “blames the Democrats” for the bill not passing, who is he addressing here? Because as far as I could tell, the vast majority of people did not actual want this bill to pass. Isn’t “blaming the Democrats” actually praising them as saviors for protecting us from this horrible legislation?

Or is he only addressing his core supporters who wanted Obamacare repealed and care nothing about what comes in its stead?

He needs to keep his core supporters’ cognitive dissonance intact so he can go to a rally when his ego needs a stroke.

I think you’re putting way more thought into his response than he is.