Occasional livestreaming [was Live streaming on YouTube and Twitch every Mon, Wed, and Fri at 6pm Pacific!]

I just wanted to pop in to thank Tom for the streams. I am deeply sucked into X-Com 2 after it bouncing off me a bit when I tried it a while back but after watching/listening to one of your streams at work I couldn’t wait to get home and play.

I am not normally a stream fan, and I watch them on delay, but they totally work for me when others don’t. If anyone is interested but hasn’t quite taken the leap you definitely should.

Hell, I am even eyeing Odin Sphere for the vita now…

Because the PS4 streams are sometimes hard to get connected to, here is the link: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=iOKIa1veFhg

Tom is continuing to stream Until Dawn. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5xKgbLS97k

Substitute Thursday vote for Witcher 3…;)

I had to bail during part 2 of Until Dawn. Still going to be a part 3 this evening?

That was so freakin’ stupid that Sony considers the entirety of Until Dawn as a cutscene that disables viewer comments. Doesn’t that pretty much defeat the purpose of livestreaming? Way to make the “live” irrelevant, Sony.

I think I’m going to go ahead and just record and post the entire playthrough. No reason not to, really. So, yeah, more streaming/video. But, really, it seems like the sort of game you want to play instead of watch.

Tomorrow, uh, hmm, let me go check some options…


Well, it’s OK. We had a grand time talking about you amongst ourselves whilst you played.

Shhhh! What happens in Until Dawn chat, stays in Until Dawn chat.

Okay, so I’ll be streaming Forced Showdown (aka Binding of Isaac meets Hearthstone) tomorrow instead of Abzu, which isn’t much of a spectator game and certainly not one you want to watch while someone like me is yammering in your ear.

Alternatively, you can just watch this Forced Showdown video, which I suspect renders tomorrows livestream superfluous:

Except that I recorded that back in March so tomorrow’s stream will include the new stuff added since then.


And you hadn’t leveled up your audio-balance mastery skill back then yet ;)

Tom’s effort at dual stick shooter gameplay last night was pretty funny. For the people who are excellent at Dark Souls gameplay, I bet that’s what that first Dark Souls 3 stream was like. ;p

With that said, even though I love dual stick shooters, I never get enamored by all these layers of complexity. The cards from decks and various rules were interesting, but I don’t blame Tom for getting hit so much when the screen gets so busy with clutter. Give me a pure dual stick shooter like Geometry Wars 1 and 2 any day.

So I half-jokingly threatened that I was going to stream Guild Wars 2 this week, all week. It turns out the half that wasn’t joking won!

Because, really, there’s nothing new coming out that’s caught my eye. No Man’s Sky on Friday. Okhlos on the 18th. But otherwise, it seems like all the good stuff that’s going to come out has come out. I think I’m about ready to call it a year.


No XCOM Friday, then? :’(

You could always vote for it on Wednesday.

Just a reminder folks, A Tale in the Desert won the draw for request Wednesday. Tom’s stream starts at 6:00PM PST.

Thursday’s stream is now Infectonator: Survivors.

Friday’s stream will be No Man’s Sky.

Not a typo, believe it or not. Infectonator. Yep. Infectonator. Presumably, one who infectonates.


D’oh! Completely forgot about these streams. Too much olympics and No Man’s Sky going on these days to remember Tom’s streams. Maybe after the Olympics are over Tom. Until then I was hoping you had stuck to your original plan of playing Guild Wars 2 every day so I didn’t miss anything interesting! :-P

I assume no stream today, right? Also, the OP still says last week was all Guild Wars 2! I wish it had been, given I missed it all!

It’s a week full of strange words!

8/15, MON: No Man’s Sky
8/16, TUE: Okhlos
8/17, WED: Request Wednesday
8/18, THU: Phantaruk
8/19, FRI: Zombasite
