Ok, new gaming PC finally.. What did I miss?

What the hell?

That link actually went to a Freddie Prinze Jr. site! I was so expecting to see cute japanese girls laughing over virtual puppies!

Tom, Freddie Prinze Jr. references were funny the first 100 times. 101 and up are just dull.

Says you! We’re just getting warmed up. We’ll make you rue the day you admitted to feeling a strong sexual attraction to Freddie Prinze Jr., only to then declare all-too-emphatically, “But I’m not gay!


That link actually went to a Freddie Prinze Jr. site!

Ha ha. Now your URL history includes Jose Liz’s Freddie Prinze Jr. fansite!


You bitch when a game is overrated, but you bitch when a game is rated fairly (8.3 happens to be the Gamerankings score also). Go back to being a mediocre student. At least you’re better there than in reasoning.[/quote]

Actually, I think he’s bitching that by overrating games you completely invalidate any discrimination your system might provide to put what “rated fairly” means into context. I don’t think he cares whether you rated Painkiller at 8.3 or 4.7e+12 or Pi. I think he cares that you rated Singles at 0.9879 Painkiller, and he feels that Singles represents substantially less than 98.79% times the fun of Painkiller.

If you’re going to try to castigate someone for their reasoning, it’s probably a good first start to understand it.

One thing to note, unless you are on a crack high and sprint through the game like your life depends on it, Half-Life 2 takes more than 10 hours to finish as shown here:


A more reasonable estimate is at least 15 hours.

– Xaroc

Reviews are subjective. For all the moaning that goes on this forum along the lines of “OMFG READ TEH REVIE!!! LETS ELIMINATE SCORES” the forum’s members put a lot of weight into them.

As I said, I write for MY target audience. I received many emails from people that bought Singles and enjoyed it for whatever reason. This is the last post I make in reference to my rating system. There are thousands of sites, find one that fits you.

Liz. Just a name, but quickly on its way to also becoming the first abstract onomatopoeia in the history of language. The poetically representational edges of its tenuous anchor to the concrete floated above a Qt3 reader’s head like a translucent, underpowered zeppelin in still air. Lizzzzzzz. So looming-- prosopopeially self-important, even-- yet so hard to qualify as having any apparent purpose or substance.

Ahh. Refreshing.

I feel kind of sorry for the guy who started the thread, wanting to know what the highlights of the last few years were (not “anything that might be good”, but the highlights), only to have the thread devolve into “You suck at rating!” “I love Freddie but am straight” morass.

Thank god the Narrator showed up.

I feel kind of sorry for the guy who started the thread, wanting to know what the highlights of the last few years were (not “anything that might be good”, but the highlights), only to have the thread devolve into “You suck at rating!” “I love Freddie but am straight” morass.

Please, do we ever stay on-topic? This is the internet, after all.

No way. The Narrator is definitely powered by Satan.

“Prosopopeia” and “prosopopeial” exist. “Prosopopeially” does not.

I really hope, for your sake, that that is true Jose. Otherwise, you just invited yet another dogpile to start.

Not that I’m complaining or anything.

Prosopopeia is a type of personification. It cannot be used as an adjective.

Thank you for caring Funkman. Don’t be ashamed to admit you feel those dogpiles are unjust. DON’T CONFORM.

I don’t know… you sound kinda condescending there. And then you used the word ‘injust’, so I’m not sure what to think.

In any case, it will all come out as a dogpile in the end.

That was a typo! Seriously. The “U” is right next to “I.”

I just looked at that page, and it’s not special or anything. It’s just all of the games they gave 8.7 or higher as far as I can tell.

I thought it would be the top 10 games they recommend we all play or something… heck I already played Knights of the Old Republic 1, so I don’t think I’m missing out by skipping KOTOR2 (except maybe the plot). Definitely not missing Pandora’s Tomorrow except for the plot (and if you have Chaos Theory you get the SvM PT has).

Then some obvious blunders:
Deus Ex 2
Master of Orion 3
Freedom Fighters
Jedi Academy

I’m sure there are more but I don’t have time to play all the non-AAA games that look like they might be good until someone tells me they are (and of course I probably won’t listen to IGN to tell me that) :).

What? Freedom Fighters was awesome!

What? Freedom Fighters was awesome![/quote]

I second that.

Then what’s “prosopopeial”? How many straws do you have to grasp at before you categorically state that a word can’t be used as adjective when you yourself gave the adjectivial form in an earlier post? And it obviously can be used adverbially as well, because The Narrator just did it and it makes sense.

“Prosopopeially” isn’t in any dictionary I can find, but I don’t see any reason why a noun could have a standard adjectivial form constructed from it and then not have an adverbial form constructed as well. It’s definitely a valid word. But I can see why it wouldn’t be in a dictionary and therefore “not exist”, too, because the noun sure as hell doesn’t get used much.

Did you know that “misanthrope” and “misanthropist” are in the dictionary, but only “philanthropist” is also, and not “philanthrope”? Would you say that “philanthrope” isn’t a word? Actually, “misanthropist” isn’t in some dictionaries either, and because of that some know-it-all tried to tell me once that it wasn’t a word. It’s a word; it’s derived the exact same way a word with the same root is, only with an antonymic prefix (“mis”/“phil”).

So “prosopopeially” is definitely a word, unless you can give a better reason than “I can’t find it in the dictionary/on the internet.” You are way out of your element here.