Old World (pka Ten Crowns) from Soren Johnson

Thanks. Is there any way to tell when discontent is more or less of a problem for the AI’s to help decide when it’s worth the cost of the disciple?

I just won my first game on Noble. 137 turn score victory, 8/10 ambitions completed. The GotW is on Maginificent, which is 2 steps up from that. So I’ll try it but I’m not sure that I’ll succeed.

I just started the game of the week myself, didn’t notice the difficulty, now that you’ve pointed it out though I’ll keep that in mind as I’ve just encountered both Bablyon and Rome near by early (8 turns in). I’ll assume they’re going to be hostile, but a question did occur to me on that point, are some nations programmed to be hostile? Is there a starting predisposition?

Is there a way to find pillaged tiles on the map? One of my families is very unhappy that we have been pillaged, and if they would just point out the specific problem, I would be glad to repair it for them. :)

Major grats! You’re ahead of me. I’ve started the GOTW, and I’m in last place, with 2 points and 1 Ambition as of turn 45. The leader has 11 points already. I’m loving it. :)

I thought I read somewhere that some nations are more “aggressive” than others, but I could be wrong? I’m also playing the game, so maybe we can compare notes. I’m on turn 45, still alive and kicking. Barely. :P

Hmm, there used to be a white text over the hex saying “pillaged,” but come to think of it, I haven’t seen it lately. Hmm. I’ll investigate…

That’s a good question. I thought Rome would always be aggressive, but I had a game as Babylon where they were relatively close. I managed to snag a couple of blocker cities from them but otherwise did what I could to bolster relations - at one point it hit +190. (It helped I think that they had room to expand to the other side of me.) They eventually offered peace, I accepted, and then later in the game I formed an alliance with them as they waged war against the far off Assyrians. All my wars ended up being against various tribes - it was actually non stop for a while but elephants and horse archers FTW though!

One thing I’ve noticed in recent games is the AI seems to be founding religions much earlier. Might just be a coincidence but I’m now prioritizing my own because not having one and getting different religions spread to your realm is a PITA (accept it and end up having families with different religions or reject it and take stat hits to your ruler. Ugh.)

Nope didnt suceed. I’m going to try to win a game on glorious before moving up to magnifiicent

General observation: most of the trade terms I get are not favorable. I’d say maybe 1 in 5 is something I might consider. Most are more typically like the one I’m looking at right now where the two choices are:

Persia will give me 5 civics for 40 years (why are these things always so long?) in exchange for 14.4 stone, or
Persia will give me 5 training for 40 years for 14.4 stone.

Unless I’m insanely hard up for either one of these resources and can’t for some inexplicable reason find better ways to obtain them (there of course are) why would I ever give 3 to 1 exchange?

And btw, I’ve had one that was just laugh out loud funny where they wanted 500+ coin for 40 years, haha, and trust me I was not being offered 20,000 of anything for this deal of a life time.

Heh, I reject most trade offers too. I was just offered one that would have cost me 350 coin a year. But I do accept some; sometimes they seem more even. Also, sometimes I accept an unfavorable trade for the diplomatic benefit. Of course, this can backfire, if an enemy of your trading partner objects later.

I’m playing the Game of the Week (as Greece, on “Magnificent” difficulty), and I’m hanging in there, sort of. I almost threw in the towel earlier, when I was invaded on two sides, but I managed to survive both attacks – barely. Now it’s around turn 105. I’ve fulfilled only 2 or 3 Ambitions and I’m in dead last place, with a grand total of 3 points, lol. But I’m wearin’ 'em down! I’ve got three mighty cities, and I’ve built a large enough army to defend myself and maybe eventually take on someone else.

Maybe the strategy then is go full bore military on the nation that has the most wonders, when you take their cities you’ll be those as well.

Last campaign I w/o planning on it ended up with like 5 luxuries, which turn out to be a pretty handy way to butter up other nations, I’ve used to keep them at bay w/o necessarily going all the way to peace or alliance, but in your case you could use them to keep the other nation from coming at you at the same time you’re focused on attacking the other.

Yep, I’ve even done some colonizing to grab luxuries to pay off my neighbors. It’s helped. I’m way outclassed by a couple, but there are a couple nations that are about my size and strength, so I’m starting to think about invasion plans. Totally unlike me – I’m usually a turtler-builder. But it’s now turn 135 and I still have only two ambitions. My unfulfilled ambitions mostly require me to have more cities, so if I can’t build them, I may have to take them…

One thing I like about this game is the 200-turn limit. I can finish a game in a couple days – sooner if I lose, heh. The endgame does bog down a bit, though. I might try a game on a smaller map to see how it plays. Also, is there a real-world map in the works?

Just another observation I’m throwing out: could just be the way this campaign turned out and it’s just luck of the draw, but I’ve got raiders coming at me in multiple stacks from a number of directions repeatedly. Wonder if this was tweaked recently? These raiders are aggressive and not a push over. But it is really nice to see them attacking other AI nations and not just the human (same for the nations attacking each other).

When you combine that with the fact I formed an alliance with Greece who has proceeded to pull me into a war with 3 other nations in the last 2 years and I’ve got war all over the map now (three of the four tribes coming at me too).

If I were a betting man I’d say the odds of it bogging down in your current one are remote. ;)

I do love how everyone is at war in my current campaign, but I got to say, the color schemes still feel confusing, every time the camera whirs around showing what happened I see orange and yellow doing stuff and it turns out there not all my armies, get a load of this screen shot, the armies in the box at the top are mine, the armies in the 2nd box are Persia (which should in my mind at least be like purple, not also orange and yellow, which are my colors):

Epilogue to current campaign: went down in flames, and best of all this loss was on “the good”, or in my case it will be renamed “the bad”.

So the short version of an AAR, at around 50 years in I had 6 or 7 settlements and as Egypt I was in the lead on points by a couple. Greece had managed to wedge a couple of cities w/in the general boundaries of my civ so when they came at me with an alliance offer I figured why not, I’ve got raiders coming at me at all sides and 3 of the 4 barbs at war with me.

Not 5 years later I get a wave of announcements about how dear old Greece has dragged me into a war with Carthage, Babylonians and of course Persia.

For the next 10 years we fought to a stalemate, but the damn Persian chariots just kept rolling and slowly but surely another 10 years went by and they started rolling me up. At the same time Greece was fighting a losing battle against Babylon, lost 2 cities on the way to also getting rolled.

I’m throwing in the towel. I’m keeping the save to play out and see if I can save it, but if Greece doesn’t rally I’ll be facing not one but two much stronger armies coming at me and I’m failing to hold off just one.

From a campaign AI perspective I found this to be the most impressive campaign I’ve played in Old World. Most fun I’ve had in a 4x this year so far.

How do I attack another unit?

Dont worry i’ve got it

I actually did laugh out loud at this! Yep, unfortunately, my turns are still going by fast, lol. I still have only 3 cities on turn 150, and I have never had enough orders. “Magnificent” difficulty does not mess around. :)

Agree on both counts. In my game, too, all sorts of fighting has raged around me. It’s fun to watch. Sheesh, the barbs didn’t last long, and even the tribes got pushed out pretty fast. I’ve also had uprisings in my own territory – as has Rome, I noticed.

But yes, while the colors have improved, it still can be confusing. It depends on the color. I found Carthage’s colors easy to identify – that white shield stands out, no matter which family color is on it. But my purple greek shield is more affected by the family color on it, as are the Romans. I hope the devs take another look at this.

Agree once more. In fact, this losing effort may have been my most fun game of Old World yet. I got to see the AI really strut its stuff. Although it’s not over yet! I’m wearin’ 'em down!

Agreed. I wish they would just give each nation a color and then use four different same-color shield designs for the families.

Well you are tougher than I am. I played the GOTW, and holy hell the harder levels are a lot harder. I through in the towel. When, first Persia attacked out of the blue, and then not one but two barbarian hordes went after me. It is going to be a while before I start playing at the Magnificent level.

In better news, I did crush the opposition at strong level as Babylonia I had 25 point out 29 by turn 90 and it was just a matter of some wonders to be built, my nearest opponent was only at 15.

I’m always short of orders. I’m curious how to people get more orders?. I make it a high priority to have a citizen on horse and elephants to get the extra order that way, and also get build Garrisons, to get governors and the extra (.5 orders). The thing I’m wrestling with is Freedom vs Slavery. The extra 5 orders is really nice, but the extra 1 discontent is pretty bad.

I am seeing a lot more effects from my tutors. Not sure if it is that the message system is simply better or whether there are truly more effects, but I think that it is the latter.

[quote=“Strollen, post:903, topic:134746, full:true”]

i usually go slavery at the start as early the discontent levels arent that high. then switch to Freedom either when prompted by an event or i have 6 plus cities.

Sorry to do this!

But. There are a lot of posts in this thread and I fell way behind since it launched. I’m looking at it and I love the art style, it looks fantastic, and I like some of the “board gamey” aspects like the order system and being able to select various families when you settle (just watching some random gameplay). I know it’s Early Access and I was originally going to wait for launch to start actually looking into this, but is it worth picking up now, while it’s $10 off for the EPIC sale? Are folks generally happy with it? How does it compare to Civ IV (this forums favorite thread, it’s hard to imagine folks would say it’s not as good as Civ VI anyway, though if someone has that opinion, please do share!)

Thirty bucks seems more than fair, especially if the price is expected to jump at launch (Is that a thing? Sometimes that’s a thing), so I don’t want to miss out for lack of research.