Old World: The Rise (and Fall?) of Qt3: a playthrough starring you, the folks on the forum!

It ended with me losing faith in the game’s AI. :(

That said, I fired up a new game the other day and was delighted to see the AI adding theologies to world religions. I had literally never seen it do that before. It might be time to see how far the AI has come since the month after release.


Savage box quote.

That fall down the far slope of the chick parabola is as scary as it is inevitable.

I’d love to see his take on AI War 2 as I suspect he wouldn’t close out his session playing it with the comment “losing faith in the AI”.

I’d recommend checking the game out on Friday…

This is the poorest ragequit justification i ever expected to read here. I enjoyed @ArtVandelay 's outro much more.