Oprah 2020?

As long as we’re building castles in the air, how about Michelle as a running mate?

Sounds like a trump supporter.

She could have a secret weapon in hardcore right-wing women that vote for her out of spite, similar to the left, centre, or previously non-voting men that voted for Trump out of racial or economic anger.

She’s fairly anti-gun though, correct? I’d say that disqualifies her in Donald Trump’s America which is the real America.

I think it’s crazy and agree with the “jesus christ for fuck sakes.”

Buuut I also really like the idea of adding a black woman’s face to the end of this emoji chain:

Keep the cycle of shock-waves and reactionary elections going! Why do we have to be the side that gets back to normal and plays by the rules? We broke the rules in the first place!

And, like triggercut said, if elected, Oprah would absolutely get back to normal and play by the rules of presidential leadership through unity, hiring intelligent, qualified people, and reading. OH, SO MUCH READING!

Not my quote. Jon Favreau’s. President Obama’s speechwriter.

Ya, I realize. It just quoted you because it was in your post when I quoted it.

Qft, yo

Because rebuilding the liberal state after Trump and his cronies are done tearing it down is going to require a great deal of political skill and coalition-building. She has no demonstrated or relevant experience in dealing with a congress who will be absolutely crucial in getting anything done. We’re going to need an actual deal-maker in the White House (not a pretend one), and Oprah has no political base outside of her personal popularity.

Let’s not overlearn the lessons of Trump. One fluky election and we’re acting like it’s now the iron law of politics that political neophytes with entertainment industry experience are the future? I think we can do better.

I agree, but we’re just 2 out of 235,000,000 registered voters. What matters in the end is what the majority of the public believes (as stupidly apportioned by electoral college votes), right or wrong.

~IF~ Oprah decides to run, I think it’s going to take quite the candidate to defeat her in the primaries.

This is irrelevant unless the GOP loses congress. There is no one with a D next to there name who will be capable of bargaining with a GOP house. No matter how politically skilled.

I think we are all assuming that happens since we are screwed if it doesn’t.

Obama’s biggest mistake was assuming that he could. That there were reasonable people on the other side of the aisle.

Sure. My point is that unless you flip the house, then celebrity for (black female) celebrity sake is just as well as experienced dealmaker.

It seems to me the problem is the Democratic bench is really weak,any of the folks with high name recognition are very old. Biden would have been old in 2016 in 2020, he is dangerously old and Bernie is even older.

Oprah is a decade younger than both of those men.

Which is why the Democrats should be spending the next 18 months or so building up the reputations and name recognition of their best candidates.Not in “complained about Trump” ways, which seems to be Gilibrand’s strategy, but in “look at this great positive thing this person did” ways.

That sounds like a bad idea.

2020 is shaping up to be a referendum on Trump. That’s good for Democrats. Trying to change the focus to something else is not going to help them. In fact, that’s probably what the Republicans will be trying to do. As in, “This great positive thing this person did is actually BIGLY AWFUL!!! So vote for Trump!”

Oh, I don’t mean political things, I mean “look at this person rescuing a child from a raging river!” sort of things. I suppose the Republicans could twist it somehow, to “why is that congresscritter by that river when they should be in Washington voting,” but they’ll always do that shit anyway. There’s no way they won’t attack any Democrat they see as a threat.

I still think it’s a bad idea…BUT, if I were to indulge the fantasy, I do think Oprah’s extensive experience in the field of media has given her one hell of an amazing contacts list which she could dig deep into to name heads of departments that would be far more qualified than Trump’s appointments. Her 30+ years as Queen of the Airwaves hasn’t all be fluff and Dr. Phil, she’s done some pretty impressive stuff along the way, and made some very well-placed and knowledgeable friends and allies. I’d like to think that network would come together around her to insure that at the very least the proper people got named to important positions within her Administration.

On the other hand, we could end up with Dr. Oz as Surgeon General and Dr. Phil as Secretary of State.

You mean like “look at this person wounded in combat while defending his crew in Vietnam”? Been there, done that.

The Democrats can base their entire campaign on two words.

Normally, running a campaign based on what you will do has been more effective than simply saying the other guy is bad.

Trump may change that trend, because he’s SO bad, but I’d suggest that the Democrats actually have some plan for what they want to do.