Order of the Stick

Had never heard of this strip before stumbling across this thread. Started from the beginning and am really enjoying it - I gather it’ll keep me entertained for quite awhile!

Wow, I wish I could go back and read it for the first time!

I bet there is a German word for that. The wish to return to before you did something so that you could again enjoy it for the first time.


It’s been so long since I read the whole Order of the Stick that I’m sure many of the twists and turns of the plot would surprise me on a reread.

There is so much going on in the stories that it benefits from a re-read every couple years. So roughly every 10th strip being posted.

It’s really worth owning the books. The extra content doesn’t alter the plot in any way, but any time spent with these characters is time well spent! There are also often references in the strip, especially to books 0 and -1 (Origin of PCs and Start of Darkness).

Ersterfahrungswunsch according to my Austrian coworker.

You all realize it’s just a bunch of words crammed together right? I mean, technically it’s an new word, but not really. It’s just a run on sentence without spaces.

What’s the German word for “technically true but what a killjoy”

The word you are looking for is “German”.

Or in German - Deutsche.


When you get yelled at in german, you definitely know you’re being yelled at.

~450 strips in so far and this thing is so good. I didn’t even know there were web comics this well-written. Someone tell me this isn’t the only one I’ve missed!

I am a big fan of Sluggy. I believe it’s one of the longest running webcomics around. Started in 1997.

Girl Genius is a lot of fun as well.

I love Girl Genius but I only go these days to scan the art, which I adore, and the coloring and the lettering. Such a great looking strip. But it’s been years since I’ve had any shot at following anything about that story they are telling.

Unsounded is pretty good, if you can get past the somewhat slow start and follow the labyrinthine plot. The world-building is epic - almost too much for its own good, actually; there’s just such a massive amount of depth there, it’s hard to keep everything in memory when you read it at a pace of three pages a week. But if you like that sort of thing, it’s really good, and the art is amazing,

They Stayed Friends Though

What about Thad?