Oscars 2023 - Now With Less Slapping

I imagine it’ll be pretty close to the same situation as a few years ago when The Shape of Water won. A lot of people scratching their heads, a few actively put off.

I appreciated SoW’s win- I loved it to bits- but I’m not sure it deserved it (though I can’t remember what it was up against). I 100% think EEAAO deserved every award it received - it was absolutely the best movie released last year.

I still haven’t watched it and feel much shame. We’re going to watch it tomorrow. Every time we go to watch it something comes up.

I’ve watched EEAAO three times as of this writing. Everytime is a treat and the 2 and half hours fly by.

True, but it was already a hit. It was in the top ten at the box office for sixteen weeks.

And unlike most Oscar bait movies that get limited release in LA and NY in December, and only wide release the following year, EEOA was in theaters on March 11, 2022. Literally a year and a day before Oscar glory.

Huy Ke Quan, RRR, and Yeoh were the most impactful of the night’s awards, though I also really liked Fraser for the Whale.

EEAAO is a really atypical Oscar winner, but I’m pleased to see that the type of films that win has broadened.


(You could argue he was being a bit of an ass here, but red carpet interviews really are the dumbest thing.)

I should save that and play it anytime I’m in a bad mood. I mean damn it couldn’t be more perfect.

Excuse me…I seem to have something in my eye.

Well, that’s one way to brighten a lousy Monday. Thanks for posting!

We need a welfare check on Pauly Shore. But, seriously, you feel so much love right here.

Someone who, I guess, does work for these interview shows was like, you know you don’t have to be interviewed. Apparently they just wave people down, and they come over to talk for a minute or two. If he didn’t want to be interviewed, he didn’t need to say yes.

Really feel for Ashley Graham who was super professional and tried really hard to get him to say anything.

Guessing Hugh Grant made more fans than enemies with that minute or two.

I didn’t even think it was that bad. It was kinda goofy of her to even ask about his experience filming Glass Onion when it was clearly a cameo bit.

I’m not crying.

It’s so rare that I actually care about the outcome of the Oscar race but it’s impossible not to be emotionally invested in this for those two (and for that matter for Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis, who have had their own long roads to get here).

Why did no one grab a shot of Indy, Willie, and Short Round all together?!